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If you ask Mayank, handling Rahul is a very difficult task. He is extremely moody, plain-spoken, inconsiderate, a heavy overthinker with a dry sense of humor. A very absurd combination indeed.

Whereas Mayank was a cheerful guy who was very optimistic and loved making new friends.

The first time they met, they opened together for a club match when they were barely teenagers, Rahul didn't at all talk to him off-field. Mayank did try to extend the friendship a few times but gave up soon after.

It was this fine day when some seniors were pricking on Mayank and Rahul had come to his rescue and an unusual friendship developed between them.

Since that day, it was like Rahul and Mayank were joined to hips. They always opened together, sat together in the bus, during lunch and dinner, shared the same rooms.

They had dreamed of opening together for India one day.

Mayank had discovered the real  Rahul under the facade. Rahul was a vulnerable child from inside who was very insecure, doubted himself often.

He wasn't arrogant or insensitive as the other team members named him.
In fact, he was extremely sensitive and jeoparded that he chose to hide the fact.

After knowing each other for so many years, they could read each other like the back of their hands.

Mayank knew what irritated Rahul in what way and what was the cure. He was always there for him to tell that idiot that it wasn't his fault or he gave his best and it's not always about winning.

Mayank was extremely happy when the call for Rahul's team India debut came but for some reason Rahul seemed a little too dull.

"Why are you always sulking?" Mayank asked with a straight face, tired of his friend's antics.

"I don't always sulk." Rahul growled looking at him.

"Of course you don't." Mayank replied rolling his eyes.

He sat near Rahul and gently nudged him, "aren't you happy that you received your call?"

Rahul sighed "I am."

"Then what is the problem?" Mayank questioned confused.

Rahul looked at him for a few seconds and then answered truthfully, " because you wouldn't be there."

Mayank looked at him stunned. He didn't expect that answer.

"Rahul look..." he started but Rahul cut him and continued.

"You wouldn't be there Monkus. Who would I irritate, who would I share my room with, who would motivate me and talk to me like you do, who would be my pranking partner? And moreover, we decided on opening for India together."
He completed his eyes glazed.

For the first time, Mayank was too dazed to reply and continued staring at his best friend.

As soon as he recovered he promptly jumped on Rahul which startled him and made him lose his balance but soon straightened himself and hugged him back tightly.

"You are too dumb Rahul, you will meet new people there. I am coming soon too, we will open together. Just go and make all of us proud." Mayank said happily.

"Really? " Rahul asked still a bit unsure.

"Yes, you idiot." Mayank replied rolling his eyes again still hugging him.

"And I am not dumb, you are. Now leave me, you are almost choking me." Rahul scowled as he freed himself.

Mayank laughed and eventually, Rahul did too.

Mayank had celebrated every single of Rahul's matches, jumping on the bed, shouting and cheering for him.

Soon after Mayank made his team India debut too.

And both the best friends opened for India together.

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