The Bonding Day[Virat-Rohit]

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Both Ritika and Anushka were tired and needed a day off, Rohit and Virat decided to look after the girls so that the wives could have a day to themselves.

Rohit opened his hotel room door and Virat stood in his glory holding Vamika.

Virat like always without any acknowledgement entered inside making
Rohit roll his eyes at him.

"how gracious!" taunted Rohit.

"you won't be like your Dada, haina, he is uncivil but you are a princess." said Rohit to Vamika as he took her from Virat.

Vamika nodded along as if understanding and agreeing to what Rohit was saying.

"hey she is my daughter, of course she'll be like me." retorted Virat, stomping his feet like a 2 year old.

"Vii chachu." Sammy squealed as she ran happily into Virat's arms.

"See, atleast someone likes me." Virat said glancing at Rohit who was now comfortably sitting on the bed playing with Vamika.

"no she's my daughter." said Rohit without looking at him, making some weird faces in front of Vamika to make her laugh and she seemed to be enjoying it as she giggled and clapped or the marvelous show Rohit was putting.

"ah that's what I said, like father like daughter." teased Virat.

Rohit smiled when he caught onto it.

He won't say it to Virat because that moron would probably tease him till the end of his life but indeed he was his favorite.

Virat also sat on the couch with Sammy. Sammy was telling him about her activities during ipl and how Pollard took her and the rest of the kids to have some ice cream.

"why did you let her go with Pollard?" whined Virat who wasn't liking Sammy blabbering on how good Pollard was at all.

He was her favorite uncle and he will be.

"he took all the kids Virat." sighed Rohit.

"you won't be over possessive like Virat okay?" he muttered to Vamika.

"still ice cream was our thing, he doesn't get that right." huffed Virat, crossing his arms.

"who is your favorite uncle Sammy?" asked Rohit.

Sammy thought for a while and then happily replied, " Boom Boom."

Virat's eyes widened and he dramatically put his one hand on his chest.

"who is your favorite after mamma dadda?" asked Rohit hastily, stopping Virat's drama midway.

"Vii chachu." said Sammy without thinking.

Now Virat had a huge grin on his face as he hugged her, " aww, you are my favorite too".

Rohit smiled at the sight of his daughter and his best friend hugging and laughing.

He still had the image of Virat holding Sammy when he met her for the first time intact in his heart.

Virat flew in the middle of the series just to meet her and had happy tears in his eyes when he saw the perfect little creature. He kissed her forehead with a promise to protect her forever.

And the same words with equal love were repeated when Rohit met Vamika for the first time.

"what should we do today?" Virat asked, bringing Rohit back from his trance.

"we could go for a stroll in the garden." suggested Rohit.

Virat nodded as he got up to take Vamika's necessity bag.

Vamika always felt a strong connection to Rohit maybe because he had a good aura and the protectiveness reflected from him but also because she sensed he was someone special for her dadda.

She absolutely refused to let go off Rohit's lap and clinged to him like a koala.

Rohit hadn't had a lot of time with her because of all the juniors in the team.

Sammy also came to sit near Rohit to properly look at Vamika. She started singing baby shark and Vamika started nodding her head, vibing along.

His eyes softened when he looked at the little baby and his daughter giggling and he mentally promised to protect the two smiles.

Virat smiled too when he saw Vamika loving at Rohit as much as he loved him.

Rohit was no doubt a great dad, a great husband and an amazing friend. Virat had called Rohit at 2 in the night when he got to know he was going to be a father. Rohit had then stayed up all night reassuring him that he will make a great father.

Unbelievable right? Rohit sacrificing his sleep but anything for his best friend.

Virat held Sammy's hand and Rohit held Vamika as they left the room singing baby shark together in sync.

Virat spread the mat on the grass as the four settled on it.

Sammy started entertaining Vamika and the two fathers looked at their daughters lovingly.

Rohit could never process how fast Sammy was growing up.

"they'll be best friends like us." said Virat, keeping his hand on Rohit's shoulder.

"off course." said Rohit with a smile.

Sammy and Vamika will indeed be best friends carrying the Sharma-Kohli bond forward.

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