The Bedtime Story[Rohit-Virat-MS]

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Rohit was tossing and turning continuously in his bed for an hour now surprisingly he couldn't sleep.

Disgruntled, he sat up straight.

He sighed, he really couldn't sleep. He got up to get his phone, pilled his pillow and duvet in his hands and made his way out.

Anushka had decided to join Virat for the remaining of the tour so he couldn't go to their room.

So he made his way to the his second home.

He knocked on the door twice before it opened.

Mahi bhai sleepily opened the door to find a wide awake Rohit hugging his pillow close to his chest.

"Rohit what are you doing here? Everything alright"? asked Mahi bhai in concern as he opened the door wide for him to enter.

Of course he was worried, Rohit loved his sleep very much so him coming in the middle of the night took him by absolute surprise.

"I couldn't sleep." said he grinning sheepishly as he sat on the bed.

" you couldn't sleep. That's very unusual." said Mahi bhai astonished.

Mahi bhai put his hand on Rohit's forehead to check his temperature.

"I am alright bhai." said Rohit.

He took his hand and made him sit near him and put his head on his lap.

Mahi bhai like always started massaging his fingers in his hair. Rohit sighed in content as it instantly relaxed him.

Rohit may have grown up ,even had his own kid but he will always be a kid to Mahi bhai.

"why can't you sleep?" asked Mahi bhai gently.

"I don't know." said Rohit as he half shrugged.

"why don't you tell me a bedtime story?" Rohit exclaimed suddenly as he looked at him with gleaming eyes.

"really?" Mahi bhai rolled his eyes.

"come on bhai, it helps put Sammy to sleep." pleaded Rohit as he put his best puppy face.

A face that Mahi bhai can never refuse.

Mahi bhai sighed.

Now he need to narrate a bed time story to a 31 year old man. Great just great.

But if it gives him happiness, he'll narrate thousands of them.

"so once upon a time, there used to be two best friends." Mahi bhai started randomly.

Rohit nodded his head solemnly.

"they used to fight all the time and call each other names."

"that sounds familiar."

"one day, one of them hid the other's favorite shirt."

"that's something Virat would do."

"stop interrupting me." said Mahi bhai as he hit Rohit lightly on his head.

Rohit pouted and nodded his head for him to continue.

"right so with the help of their other prankster friends."

"Jad, Shikhi and everyone else."

Mahi bhai looked at him and Rohit shut his mouth quickly.

"so the other friend got angry and stopped talking to them."

Mahi bhai stopped when a sudden knock interrupted their story.

Rohit groaned and refused to get off Mahi bhai's lap.

"Rohit just a second, I'll come back." Mahi bhai gently placed his head on the bed.

Mahi bhai opened the door to find to see a worried Virat.

"Is Rohit here?" he asked.

Mahi bhai moved aside for Virat to get the view of Rohit rolling on the bed.

Virat sighed in relief as he made his way inside.

"I went to your room but you weren't there."

"why did you go to my room?" asked Rohit, his voice muffled in the pillow.

"because Anushka locked the door on my face." Virat said, a bit embarassed.

"she what - well done Anushka." laughed Rohit as he half sat to look at his best friend.

Virat pushed Rohit a bit which resulted in him tangling in the duvet and falling.

Rohit was about to attack him back but Mahi bhai held him and asked Virat, raising his eyebrows, "and why did she lock the door on your face?"

"he must have done something stupid." said Rohit rubbing his arm on which he fell.

"I just wanted to do her makeup for the video conferencing and she didn't like it. Look how amazing my work his." whined Virat as he took his phone out to show them the picture of his makeup on Anushka.

Rohit looked horrified for a second and then burst out laughing.

"oh my god, thank God she just threw you out for a night if it would have been Ritika, she would have never let me enter the house again." said Rohit choking on his laughter.

"Mahi bhai, look at him."

"he's right Cheeku, it's kind of bad."

"kind of? It's very bad. You know what, if you had taken makeup artist as a career, you would have done best halloween makeup." said Rohit, bursting in laughter again.

Virat sulked as he sat on bed.

Mahi bhai dragged a hyena like laughing Rohit to the bed as well.

He sat on the bed as the two placed their heads on his lap.

Rohit calmed down after a minute and breaking the peaceful silence Virat asked, "why did you come here?"

"couldn't sleep."

Virat whipped his head towards him and gasping said, "you couldn't sleep."

He put his hand on Rohit's forehead to check his temperature which Rohit slapped away.

"Isn't that shocking. I think it should be telecasted on Chahal tv."

"Mahi Bhai." Rohit whined.

"Cheeku." said Mahi bhai sternly but his voice held nothing but fondness.

"bhai continue with the story." said Rohit.

"what story?" asked a confused Virat.

"Mahi bhai was telling me a Bedtime story." said Rohit smugly.

"you were telling him a bedtime story? You never told me one." said Virat, feigning hurt.

Mahi bhai sighed as he ruffled his hair.

"he asked me, now listen to this one."

He hummed as he snuggled more closer to him.

The story continued for a few more minutes with their nonsense and weird inputs but then he noticed both Virat's and Rohit's droopy eyes.

He smiled as he bend a bit to switch off the lights.

"Mahi bhai."


"they also had a big brother whom they loved." mumbled Rohit.

"very much." Virat added.

"he also loved them all very much." said Mahi bhai softly but the pair of best friends had already fallen asleep.

He smiled at the two baby like sleeping figures.

He silently prayed for their health and happiness as he drifted to sleep himself.

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