Photo Frame[Virat-MS]

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Virat was sitting in his room. He had just browsed through the net, reading different articles on how to annoy your best friend but now he was bored.

He had played with his little princess and at present she is sleeping peacefully in the crib, he smiled tenderly at the little bundle who had bought so much happiness in his and Anushka's life and he couldn't be more grateful for it. He also has had some time alone relaxing with his beautiful wife who had now gone to some production meeting. He even had his dose of the everyday fight with Rohit. Yes they bickered when Virat called poor Rohit early in the morning as Rohit claims though it was noon to remind him or more like threaten him to wake up and go to the gym.
He couldn't find anything else to do and cure his boredom.

His eyes suddenly fell on the photo frame kept on his study table, it was a picture of him and his Mahi Bhai, where he was hugging or more like smothering him tightly. It was his favorite picture of them, Mahi Bhai was smiling affectionately at the boy clinging to him whereas Virat was grinning like a monkey.

Instantly a smile appeared on Virat's face just thinking about that amazing day. It was Virat's birthday and though he was very happy that he was with his team and his wife to celebrate and the fact that they were more excited than him made him happier but it still felt like a part of him was missing and indeed it was. 

Mahi Bhai wasn't there.

He had taken a break from cricket and was home with his family in Ranchi and Virat was missing his presence terribly.

He was lost in his little sad world when two small hands hugged his legs startling him. He looked down to see a widely grinning Ziva who excitedly exclaimed, "happy birthday Cheeku." Virat was quite shocked to say the least, he didn't expect her to be there.
Sakshi also came forward and gave him a warm hug and wished him a happy birthday and stood aside.

It was then, the wheels of Virat's brain started working and he realized that they were here and that Mahi Bhai would also be here. He thanked them both and turned around to see Mahi Bhai smiling at him and he quite dramatically jumped into his arms.

The picture was that exact moment. It held so much importance emotionally to him.

Mahi Bhai had always been that person whom he can rely on completely. If he asked to do something, he did. No questions asked. He always had that comforting aura that surrounded him and that is why whenever anyone from the team felt the need for emotional support or just some sort of comforting presence, Mahi Bhai was the first person and Virat would always be the first one to reach him.

MS had many kids to look after but Virat was always the special one. He was different from everyone else. Yes, he did carry the emotions on his sleeves but those were the ones he wanted people to see. What he was feeling could only be seen by his very close people and Mahi Bhai happened to be one of them. He knew his reactions in every situation, he knew what affected him in what way and he made sure he was there for him, whenever he needed him.

So when it was Virat's birthday the previous year, he wanted to make it special and surprise him. The smile of pure joy on his face filled his heart with so much love for his kid and that memory would always be intact in his heart forever.

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