The Birthday Celebration 2[Virat-ICT]

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"a zoo!" Virat exclaimed, his eyes wide in shock.

"yes, we thought you would like to meet your alikes." Rohit replied very innocently.

"I chose the place, isn't it perfect?" added Jaddu proudly.

Virat turned to glare at both of them and continued with gritting teeth, "you guys wanted to surprise me by taking me to the zoo?"

Jaddu and Rohit shrugged nonchantly.
He turned to look at others who were avoiding any eye contact.

"I think it's a very brilliant idea." said Harry brightly.

" me too, people often take you to places like the beach and long drive on your birthdays, this is something new." said Ash casually.

" I can't believe this. It's night already, all zoos are closed, how are we supposed to enter now?" Virat snorted, absolutely not happy with the present.

"we have thought of a brilliant plan." said Rohit, his eyes twinkling in mischief.

"Please enlighten me." said Virat, sarcastically as he crossed his arms.

Virat could already picture this trip ending in an absolute disaster.

"We are going to break into it." said Jaddu smugly.

Virat almost tripped.

"what? Are you guys crazy?" Virat cried with a very disbelieving look.

He turned to look at the more sensible people from the team.

" We had no choice, they practically dragged us." said Bhuvi sighing.

Jassi nodded his head in agreement.

Virat closed his eyes to calm down a bit. His team members were indeed crazy but this was one step up.

He so wished for Jinks presence at the moment but wait Mahi Bhai is here, how come he allowed this rubbish plan?

He narrowed his eyes at them, "how did Mahi Bhai say yes?"

Both of their grins stalled.

"well we didn't tell him." said Rohit sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Moreover he said he would sleep early." completed Jaddu smoothly.

Virat stared at them.

"what if we get caught?" asked Virat raising his eyebrows.

Jaddu shook his head and cheerfully added, "we won't. I have the most simple and perfect plan."

" I have never heard anything more stupid than your plan in my entire life." said Bhuvi deadpan.

Virat too knew if Jaddu had come up with something, it couldn't be just simple

"what is it?"  said Rahul curiously, who apparently also didn't know about the plan.

Jaddu called everyone in the huddle and started whispering like he was telling the most important trade secret of the world.

"so first I and Harry are going to distract the security, then you guys wearing this mask can enter, we'll meet you near the hippopotamus's cage and then we will explore the place and get out before they catch us." completed Jaddu smirking.

By the look on Virat's face, Jassi was expecting a straight no but when Virat opened his mouth, Jassi couldn't help but facepalm.

"why near the hippopotamus's cage and how will you find it?" asked Virat, scrunching his nose.

"oh hippopotamus is the first animal when you enter so his cage is first " said Jaddu coolly as if he visited this zoo every single day.

"you did some intense research, I must say I am very proud Sir Jadeja." said Rohit grinning, patting on his back.

"hey, I helped as well." said Harry offended at not getting any praise.

" you too, ice cream tomorrow, my treat." said Rohit.

Hardik nodded happily.

Everyone got ready with their positions when Bhuvi came near Virat and said worriedly, "don't you think this is a bit risky. We have a match day after tomorrow, and the Indian cricket team caught breaking into a zoo wouldn't be a good title for headlines".

Virat slung his arm around Bhuvi and said, "I know Bhuvi but don't worry we won't get caught. Jaddu has hatched the plan I am sure he must have thought through."

'that's the thing, Jaddu doesn't think.' Bhuvi thought but nodded nevertheless.

Jaddu and Harry wore some really absurd costumes. Harry wore a monkey costume whereas Jaddu chose a rabbit.

The entire team was in splits looking at them.

" guys quiet, we don't want to get caught." hushed Ash immediately.

They both ran in front of the security guards and threw some color-filled water balloons at them and ran away as the guards started chasing them.

"they came well prepared." said Rahul sniggering while everyone nodded.

"guys run." whisper yelled Rohit, once both guards and Jaddu and Harry were out of sight.

They all showed the athleticism inside them and quickly entered through the gates.

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