Midnight Memories[Virat-Jaddu]

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It was already past mid night and though he should have been asleep, Jaddu was mindlessly flipping through different channels on the television and yet nothing caught his eye.

A sudden knock on his door made the remote fell from his hands. Thank God no one was there to see Sir Jadeja spooked.

Jaddu frowned as he got up to open the door. It was past mid night, who could it be? Yes, living with ict, anyone could barge into your room anytime but it was mostly Virat's and Rohit's because their were the closet.

He opened the door to find a madly grinning Virat, dressed in some absurd detective costume with a bag in his hand.

"we have a mission, are you ready Sir Jadeja?" asked Virat still grinning.

Jaddu's ears perked up on the mention of mission. He quickly pulled Virat into his room.

"what is it?" asked Jaddu gleaming.

Virat passed the bag to him and smirking said, "come on get ready, we're going out."

Now if it had been someone like Bhuvi or Jinks, they would have asked many questions but Jaddu and Virat were alike, reckless.

Jaddu took the bag and hastily went to change till then Virat took the liberty to go through Jaddu's stuff like it was his own, the same thing he did in Rohit's room.

Jaddu came back in a similar looking costume like Virat.

Virat motioned to follow him and Jaddu obliged happily. He lived for these midnight, sudden missions.

It was a thing for Virat and Jaddu since their U19 days. They would often slip away to roam around the city. They even did that during their initial days into the team and  though it had been declined now, they had their days where no one could stop them.

They quickly came out the hotel, right under the nose of gaurds and receptionist but they were smooth criminals, they had done this multiple times already.

Jaddu's eyes widened when he took notice of their mode of transportation.

" a bike?"Jaddu exclaimed cheerfully.

" oh yes, it's been a while since we went on a bike." said Virat.

"now come on."

Virat started the ignition and Jaddu joyfully hopped behind.

Virat started slow but as soon as they reached the high way, he caught with speed.

Jaddu sat enjoying the cold yet refreshing wind on his face.

Being a cricketer, they did get a lot of comfort and luxury but sometimes they just missed the simplest of the things.

Jaddu couldn't really remember the last time he rode a bike.

Virat stopped the bike and looked at Jaddu with a devilish grin.

Jaddu had the same expressions on his face when he saw the place they had stopped at.

A paintball arena.

"but how did you make them open at midnight?"

"I am captain Virat Kohli, I can do anything."

Jaddu snorted, sometimes Virat could really be boasting.

They both geared up for the competition.

" are you ready for the war?" asked Virat, raising his eyebrows at him.

"I was born ready." said Jaddu with a sly grin as he took the first shot towards Virat.


They both were laughing maniacally as they left the premises of paintball.

The game was so competitive and fun. They again felt like they were 19 with no ounce of responsibility and just goofing around.

"where next?" asked Jaddu, excitingly.

"long drive." said Virat in the same tone.

Jaddu nodded gladly.

They spent the time roaming around the city having  nonsense talks, loud laughs and creating a bit of ruckus here and there.

This could not have been possible in the day, Virat Kohli and Ravindra Jadeja roaming around the city on bike would have been a big news.

Being famous came with it's own cons, they couldn't enjoy such things.

Virat now stopped near a cliff, Jaddu smiled looking at their secret place. The cliff was like their tree house, a place only reserved for both of them. They used to often come there whenever they were sad or troubled.

Virat sat on the mountain cliff patting the seat next to it.

Jaddu occupied the position.

Both of them stared at the beautiful sky and the peaceful sound of water underneath the cliff.

"I know you miss Reeva and Nidhi." said Virat after a few minutes of peaceful silence.

Jaddu turned to look at him, "how do you know?" asked Jaddu amused.

"I know you for years now, I am your best friend, I can read you like no one else." Virat snorted.

Jaddu turned to now look at the sky again.

"I do, it's been a while since I played with Nidhi, since we had a father-daughter day out. Since me and Reeva had some time together. But what can we do, stupid bio bubbles." said Jaddu slowly and chuckled at the last line.

Virat had noticed Jaddu's sad eyes whenever he saw the team with their kids. Others could be astrayed by his cheerful nature but Virat knew exactly what he was feeling.

"I know, they'll be here soon." said Virat as he squeezed his shoulder in reassurance.

Jaddu smiled at his friend's concern.

Virat grinned cheekily himself when he saw Jaddu's first genuine smile in a while.

He now knew why Virat thought of a sudden midnight plan.

Virat and him had been together since their U19 days. They had seen and handled happiness, accusations, sadness together.

Jaddu wouldn't say that out loud but he was always thankful for his friendship with Virat.

And vice versa.

Their relationship wasn't of alot of affection, it was more of reassuring patts, smiles, constant presences and that worked magically for them.

Both him and Virat were of impulse decisions but they both made sure to be by each other's side, everytime.

Him and Virat had countless of these midnight memories and they will forever be their precious little secret.

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