Hurt 2[Rohit-Virat]

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Virat was staring blankly at the sky. It was so beautiful and calm that he would have enjoyed the peace on a regular day but today wasn't that day. He wasn't angry at Rohit, he was hurt. How could Rohit say such things? Rohit could never. They did accuse each other of a lot of things but they never pointed out their weaknesses.

He didn't know what to do or what to think and that is why he came to the terrace to clear his mind. Rohit and Virat used to often do that when they were troubled. They sat together on the terrace the entire night sipping coffee without talking and just absorbing each other's presence.

Rohit looked at Virat's lost figure nervously with two coffee mugs in his hands. He slowly sat next to him, passing the coffee mug who took it without even glancing at him.

"The sky is beautiful, isn't it?" Virat said plainly.

Rohit didn't know what to say so he simply replied, " it is."

Virat finally looked at him with so much hurt in his eyes that made Rohit gulp.
"you think I am self-centered and don't wanna see you happy?",  Virat asked almost inaudibly.

Rohit's heart broke into pieces. He was responsible for this.

" no, of course not. I don't think so and I am really stupid that I said that. I am sorry. I am really sorry Virat. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean a single word from earlier. I don't know what took over me. You're not selfish in fact you're one of the most selfless people I know. I can't even count the number of times you have stood up for others in the team without worrying about yourself. You were the first one who called me when Sammy was born, you were the happiest. Even happier than me. You have done so many things to make me happy and look what I have done. Made you sad. I am a horrible friend. " Rohit rambled, continuous tears flowing from his eyes.

Virat stared at Rohit's sobbing self and then suddenly took him in a bone-crushing, warm hug and Rohit too hugged him back tightly.

" you're not a horrible friend. You are the best. " whispered Virat.

" I am sorry for waking you up like that. I should have realized you were tired." continued Virat.

"no no it's my fault. I am sorry for those useless accusations. I didn't mean a thing." said Rohit as sniffing.

"I know, I realized." Virat said smiling through his own tears.

Rohit broke the hug, looked at him and innocently asked, "you did?"

Virat couldn't believe how innocent and vulnerable Rohit sounded sometimes. He profoundly nodded.

"then why did you ask such a question?" asked Rohit confused.

"Just wanted to see you say sorry." teased Virat.

And Rohit mumbled something which sounded like a jerk.

Virat laughed heartily and so did Rohit.

Yes, they did fight, but they also couldn't live without each other.

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