Hurt 1[Rohit-Virat]

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Sammy was ill the entire week and somehow Rohit ended on the night duties. He was awake on most nights and hadn't had a peaceful sleep in a while and that put him in a very cranky mood.

He joined the squad this week and as soon as they stepped into the hotel, he dreamed of completing his precious sleep. He was not able to sleep on the flight because of a certain Pandya who was very loud.

The team didn't know about Rohit being awake all night and that's why Virat rolled his eyes at his desperacy and murmured something about him wanting to sleep all the time.

As soon as they got the keys to their rooms, Rohit fled without saying anything and this irritated Virat even more.

Some left to their room while some fled to the Captain's room to start their usual nuisance.

An hour or two passed this way and then Virat remembered about Rohit sleeping and a mischievous glint crossed his eyes.
He got up to go towards Rohit's room and eventually everyone else did too, Harry and Jaddu were the most excited. Jinks and Bhuvi did try to stop him but he brushed them off.

As soon as they entered his room, they saw his peaceful-looking sleeping figure.

Virat looked at Harry signaling him to bring a jug full of water and Harry happily obliged. Jinks and Bhuvi glanced at each other waiting for the storm to occur.

Harry came back at a bullet speed and Virat patted him on the back to which Harry gave a smug smile and everyone else rolled their eyes.

Virat slowly approached his sleeping figure and emptied the entire jug on his head. Rohit woke up with a yank and everyone started laughing. Virat predictably the loudest of them all. Rohit literally looked ready to murder.

He shouted at the top of his lungs, "why do you always have to be such a jackass. You can't see me peacefully sleeping."

This quietened everyone in the room.

"Why do you always have to sleep, you sleepyhead." retorted Virat.

"What I do and what not does not concern you. I want to sleep I will sleep, I wanna eat I will eat. Who are you to tell me what to do?" yelled Rohit, angrily pointing a finger at him.

Virat was stunned for a second. How could he possibly question his role in his life?

"you always want to trouble me, you can never see me happy." howled Rohit.

"that is not true." murmured Virat as his heart panged with hurt.

Everyone in the room knew this had gone far. Usually, Rohit and Virat would fight after something like this but that was never serious. Normally Rohit would be annoyed and Virat would fight with him to annoy him more but today Rohit really looked angry and Virat genuinely hurt.

"8yes it is. The truth is you're an inconsiderate prick who is self-centered. You can't see others happy and especially me. You are jealous of other's happiness." cried Rohit angrily not for once looking at Virat's expression.

Virat was very stunned to even argue back. He couldn't. People often accused him of such things but he never minded it but he couldn't believe Rohit accusing him of being self-centered and not wanting to see him happy. Heck, he would do everything in his power to see him smile once. He was so hurt that he couldn't even move an inch.

Bhuvi and Jinks quickly came in between to stop Rohit from saying anything more.
Bhuvi took Virat out of the room and Jinks started to calm Rohit down.

The other members were shocked as well. They had seen them fight and argue before but this was real. They didn't know what to do and when Jinks signaled them to leave the room, they quickly did.

Jinks let Rohit calm down for a while. Reality dawned upon Rohit and he realized what he had said to Virat in anger and swiftly his anger turned into guilt.

"oh my god how could I say all such things? Oh god I am such a horrible friend." Rohit cried keeping his head in his hands.

Jinks sat beside him, kept his hand on his shoulder, and gently asked him, "what happened Rohit?"

Rohit looked at him, his eyes glazed, "I don't know what took over me. I swear Jinks, I didn't mean it. I.." sobbed he.

"I know, I know and I think you should tell Virat as well." said Jinks comfortingly.

Rohit slowly nodded as he wept and Jinks sat comforting him till he quietened.

Bhuvi returned to Virat's room disappointed.

"what happened Bhuvi bhaiya? Where is Virat bhaiya?" asked Jassi in concern.

"he went on the terrace saying he needed some time alone." said Bhuvi sighing in distress.

Jinks and Rohit who stood at the doorsteps heard it and Rohit looked at Jinks anxiously. Jinks squeezed his hand in reassurance.

Rohit now looked slightly relieved and passing a small smile to him ran away to tackle his best friend.

Jinks entered the room to face many worried-looking faces and blinked his eyes in solace.
Relief flooded through every single one of them.

They would resolve it.

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