The Birthday Celebration 3[Virat-ICT]

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Everyone hid and waited for Jaddu and Harry to come back.

"why is he continuously looking at me?" whined Virat as he glanced at the hippopotamus in the cage.

"maybe he likes you, why don't you befriend him." said Rohit vividly.

Virat looked at him in disgust and then innocently commented, " I am friends with you, you are no less and I think it's enough for me."

"did you just call me a hippopotamus?" asked Rohit, narrowing his eyes and pushing him to the side.

"Why would you do that? You sleepyhead" frowned Virat as he pushed him back.

"you git."




All the members present shook their heads while the animals in the cage looked at them amused. Two grown-up men calling each other names and behaving like 2-year-old toddlers was something new to them.

"shut up both of you, we are in hiding and if you continue creating such ruckus we'll surely get caught." scolded Bhuvi.

"he started it." accused Rohit pointing a finger at Virat.

"oh shut up we all know who did." said Virat in the same tone.

" guys." said Bhuvi very calmly which screamed shut up both of you right now.

And they both did. Come on, Bhuvi can be a bit scary sometimes.

Just then a laughing Jaddu and Harry came in sight.

"That was amazing, I am proud of you, I taught you well." said Jaddu patting Harry's back.

Harry bowed down dramatically accepting the praise.

"What did you guys do?" Ash asked carefully. 

"we took them a little far and then hid. When they went a bit ahead of us, we attacked and tied them in sacks and left." said Harry haughtily as if it was the most prestigious work in the world.

" you what?" asked Rahul, aghast.

"you guys are crazy" Bhuvi added, shaking his head in utter disappointment.

Jassi muttered things about Harry being brainless and Ash stood staring at both of them unable to find the correct words.

But the rest of the team seemed really impressed.

"come on, we don't have the entire night, let's get this tour started" said Jaddu with a devilish grin on his face.

Jaddu led the way through the zoo pointing at various animals and explaining things about them.

" you seem to know you lot about these animals Jaddu bhaiya." said Ishan awestruck.

"of course, my grandfather used to have his own zoo." said Jaddu patronizingly.

"really?" asked an amused Varun,  joining the conversation.

" yes that is why I have a great bond with animals." said Jaddu with a proud smile.


"look Harry, he has understood that you are from his troop." said Jassi happily, pointing in the direction of the monkey family.

"I think you should join him in." said Bhuvi, catching on to the act.

"Virat look at Jassi and Bhuvi, they are being mean to me." wailed Harry.

"guys don't say that to him, kindly show him the way inside." said Virat pristinely.

Jassi and Bhuvi burst out laughing while Harry sulked even more.


"look Rohit, it's you." cried Virat looking at the sleeping sloth.

Almost all the animals in the zoo were awake because of the noise the boys were creating but the sloth slept unaffected.

"at least let someone sleep. Don't ruin his by your extremely loud voice." said Rohit, slapping Virat on the arm.

Before they could continue bickering Ishan came in between and excitingly started dragging Rohit to the lion's cage.

Everyone assembled around his space with sir Jadeja in front.

"don't keep him in front. You know what he did the last time on jungle safari." said Rohit indignantly but he had already attracted the lion towards him.

"shut up Jaddu, he might attack us." whisper yelled Bhuvi agitatedly.

While Ash and Rohit struggled to hold him, Virat held his mouth.

They all stilled as the lion came near them.

The lion looked at them and sniffed and went back into his cave.

"thank god, he's gone." said Jassi, relief flooding through every vein of his body.

" you almost got us dead today." Virat glared at Jaddu.

Just then Jaddu shrieked in laughter.
All of them looked at them weirdly.

"is he traumatized by the incident?" Rahul asked puzzled.

"he can traumatize the lion by his laugh." said Ash dryly.

"do you guys realize that he has fencing around his cage and can't do anything to us." said Jaddu still choking on laughter.

All of them looked at each other and facepalmed for their stupidity.

Virat cleared his throat and was about to say something when they heard some shouts of where did they go? Search for them inside. They were many in number probably a gang.

Everyone's eyes widened and they looked at each other for a way out.

"Follow me, we are getting out of here." said Jaddu sternly, attracting everyone's attention.

No one questioned his ways. They knew he was going to get them all out. That was the kind of trust they had in each other and they can surely bet their lives on it.

They all followed Jaddu without any queries and safely got out without anyone noticing. They hurriedly got inside the red van and breathed in relief once they were far from the zoo and finally took off their masks.

"How did you know about that secret door Jaddu bhaiya?" asked Ishan, almost fanboying.

" I told you, I researched really well for the project." he answered, raising his imaginary collars.

Surya started clapping and everyone else did too.

It was truly a great plan.

"don't sleep on my shoulder." Virat grunted at Rohit but he didn't dare move a bone.

For Virat, this was the best birthday celebration, something he would never imagine in his dreams but that is the specialty for ict, doing things that no normal people would do.

He could buy the materialistic things himself but these incidents he is going to remember all his life and pass onto his children.

These memories with his favorite people are his treasure.

He smiled as he looked around, Harry and Jassi were sleeping leaning onto Bhuvi with their mouths open.

Rahul and Ash were involved in some video game discussions.

Ishan, Sury and Varun were excitingly listening to Jaddu's stories who were apparently new to them.

Virat smiled, he wouldn't exchange these people for anything in this world.

and if you're wondering Harry and Jaddu were still in their monkey and rabbit costumes ;-)

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