The Remembering Game[Rohit-Jaddu]

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Jaddu quickly hid the thing in his hand under the blanket when he heard his room door opening.

Rohit who entered the room saw this.

"What did you just hide?" he asked narrowing his eyes.

" Nothing, you tell, why did you come?" said Jaddu smoothly while trying to flip the topic.

"don't try to change the topic. I saw you hiding something under the blanket so tell me what is it?" demanded Rohit, crossing his arms.

Jaddu shook his head "nothing really."

" fine, I'll find it myself." said Rohit as he pounced on Jaddu.

Jaddu who wasn't prepared for the attack was subsided.

Rohit proudly took the stuff out from under the blanket.

"a scrapbook." exclaimed a surprised Rohit.

Jaddu who was always the warrior right now wanted to die of embarrassment.

" you have a scrapbook." said Rohit astonished and got off his back to sit comfortably on the bed.

" yeah now give it back." said Jaddu trying to snatch it from him.

"oh wait, let me first look at it." teased Rohit, keeping it out of reach from him.

He was amazed to see that Jaddu had a scrapbook and that he made it.

" no give it back." yelled Jaddu still trying to reach for it.

"oh hush, hey the first picture is of us." said Rohit brightly, glad on having his picture on the first page.

Jaddu looked at the picture and smiled.

" you remember this day?" asked Jaddu, going back in the memory lane.

" of course, the day when we pranked Virat, he didn't see that coming." laughed Rohit, remembering the day well.

They pranked Virat real bad and he got so angry that he didn't speak to them for the entire day.

The picture was them laughing and a furious-looking Virat.

" do you remember when I set your date with Ritika?" teased Jaddu.

Rohit groaned.

"I am never taking your help again on dates, ever." smacking Jaddu with a pillow.

" hey but she liked it." said Jaddu still laughing.

Rohit wanted to take Ritika on a date when they initially started dating but he didn't have any idea. Jaddu then came to his rescue or so he thought telling him that he would arrange everything.

Yeah, he did.

A date night in a horror cafe.

Ritika actually enjoyed it but Rohit had never been that traumatized in his entire life. He didn't get out of Virat's room for 2 days.

"remember when Reeva kicked you out of your house and you slept at mine." said Rohit wickedly, Jaddu quickly sobered up.

Jaddu once got Reeva so angry that she didn't let him enter the house and he had to go to Rohit's. The next day, he had to do 50 situps in front of his house and promise to do jhaddu-pochaa for the entire month to pacify Reeva. No one from the team knew about this embarrassing incident, well except Rohit.

"Remember when you ate Sammy's chocolate and had to run to a convenient store midnight." countered Jaddu smirking, settling comfortably on the bed.

" yeah yeah whatever." said Rohit.

Rohit tried running his brain quickly to find something more embarrassing about Jaddu but Jaddu was like a smooth criminal, he didn't leave any evidence behind.

"remember when you initially got into the team and forgot your phone on the field. The terror you had on your face to tell Mahi Bhai." said Jaddu howling in laughter.

Rohit was embarrassed to tell Mahi Bhai such things at the start but now he laughed thinking about those days.

Mahi Bhai was now his family.

Everyone from the team in fact.

He smiled.

He can't count how many times Jaddu had stood with him supporting him in his hard times. Jaddu wasn't a person of much expression and affection and had his own ways to show his support but he made sure to be always by his side.

"Remember when you were by my side in the world cup semi-final against New Zealand." said Rohit, slowly, looking straight at him.

Jaddu stopped laughing and stared at Rohit's face amused.

"Remember when you were by my side during champions trophy 2017." said Jaddu confidently.

They both smiled. They knew they would always find em next to each other in tough times.

They sat recounting all the fun memories for the next hour or two.

Rohit decided to camp into Jaddu's room that night.

"Rohit-" started Jaddu.

" it's between us." said Rohit twinkling in the dark.

Jaddu smiled too.

Because he knew his secret would be forever safe with Rohit.

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