The Ultimate Revenge 2[Virat-Rohit-Jinks]

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Virat had locked himself the entire day in the room to save himself from further embarrassment.

His team members [ read: only Jassi, Bhuvi, and Kul] did try to get him out of the room but he straightforwardly refused.

Surprisingly Jinks didn't come but he brushed that thought away.
Right now his priority was to catch the culprit.

The room service who came to deliver his food had a hard time controlling his laughter and Virat knew if he went out, his team wouldn't even try to control. They were tactless.

But unfortunately, that day, they had team dinner, he desperately wanted to skip it but he was the captain, he needed to be there.

So cursing the entire world under his breath, he made his way to the closest to look for the same jacket he wore most of the time on tours. It was his favorite jacket that Anushka gave him.

As soon as he pulled it out from the wardrobe, his eyes widened in absolute horror. It was completely rugged and had some unknown color stains on it.

Anushka would kill him but before that, he would kill the person who did this.

He called or more like threatened all of them to immediately come to his room while he paced around the room trying to not yell.

They entered the room chatting among themselves about the sudden call from Virat. Their eyes fell upon the dirty jacket kept on the bed and instantly realized the purpose of the call.

As Virat looked at them furiously they nodded their head quickly indicating a no and took a step back in sync.

"it is someone from you guys. First my hair and then my jacket. You know this jacket is important to me. How could you?" cried Virat, throwing his hand up in exasperation.

"trust us Virat bhaiya we didn't." said Kuliya trying to calm Virat down.

"I am not talking about you Kuliya. I am talking about." he took a small pause when his eyes connected with him, "Rohit. Yes, Rohit, it has to be you." added Virat loathingly.

Rohit looked at him amused and replied, " I didn't. You have been in this room all the day, how could I?"

The gladdened look on Rohit's face made Virat even madder.

"you did it, I know you did. You said you wanted Revenge after me and Jaddu pulled a prank on you." howled Virat.

Rohit shook his head and solemnly said, " if I were to do this, I would have painted your hair with permanent dye."

Everyone erupted in laughter.

" I did it." Jinks announced loudly to stop the increasing nonsense.

Everyone shut at once and looked at Jinks with widened eyes and open mouth.

"what?" Jinks questioned at their extreme reaction.

It's not like he was always against pranks. He had his fun moments too.

"Jinsky baby you..." Virat tried saying but he was unable to form any sentences.

"Someone pinch me." Jassi muttered, still shocked.

Harry who stood near him pinched him hard which made Jassi hiss and glare at him.

Virat slowly recovered from the initial shock and asked feeling betrayed, " how could you do this to me?"

Rohit almost rolled his eyes at his extreme drama, sometimes Virat could be like Harry or maybe Hardik's inspiration was Virat.

"well I just wanted to give you a taste of your own medicine." said Jinks shrugging.

"but you colored my hair the worst possible color and then you ruined my jacket now what am I going to say to Anushka?" wailed Virat.

Jinks turned and left the room. All of them looked confused at each other while Rohit looked rather delighted.

Jinks came back and tossed the jacket at him and very casually said, " this is your jacket. That one was the duplicate one which Rohit ordered for the prank."

Virat scowled at Rohit while Rohit looked at him with gleaming eyes.

" I knew you were associated with it." said Virat disgruntled.

"someone had to help him." replied Rohit cheerfully.

Harry was the first one to run and congratulate Jinks on the success of his plan while others followed his suit.

It was truly a great plan with the best execution.

"I knew you could do this." Rohit said happily hugging his best friend.

In Sometime, everything went back to normal.

Virat came to Jinks and slowly whispered to him, " I have to admit, it was a great plan but never do that to me again".

Jinks looked at Rohit trying to sneak out a Pepsi. He grinned and said, "it was all Rohit" winking.

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