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Nothing was okay for Rishabh. He had again failed for his team when they needed him. The ipl cup was in their reach this year but they lost.

A finale.

He tried his best, the team gave their best but in the end, everything crashed leaving deep wounds of failure.

He pretended everything was okay. He played during the game nights, laughed at their jokes and pranks. Even laughed at the jokes of their blunder.

But everyone from the team knew what the kid felt. They knew how he was blaming himself for the team's failure. They tried talking to him but every time he would smile and say he was alright.

A certain Rohit was sure nothing was alright and was determined to talk to him about the matter. He knew how it felt to lose finales.
He himself had lost many. Some which had so much importance for him, his team, their country.

Rishabh didn't come down for the team dinner that night. So when Virat said he should go and see, Rohit stopped him and said he will go and check. He went towards Rishabh's room with dinner on a plate.

All knew Rishabh was close to Rohit and that is why they didn't stop him. They just wanted their Rishabh back.

Rohit stood in front of his room. He could hear sobbing sounds from inside. Rohit felt extremely wretched.

He gently knocked on his door and softly said," Rishabh baccha, open the door."

Rishabh wasn't somebody like Virat who would scream to not disturb him or somebody like Rahul who would altogether ignore the person. He slowly made his way to the door. There was no need to straighten himself and say he is okay because he wasn't and now he didn't want to hide the fact that he felt horrible. He needed someone who would say that all will be well.

He steadily opened the door to face a very concerned Rohit.

Rohit's heart broke seeing the poor boy's condition. He cleared his throat as he entered inside and said, " you didn't come down so I brought you dinner. Come let's eat together. I am quite hungry."

Rishabh sniffed as he slowly said, "I don't feel like eating Rohit bhaiya."

Rohit patted the seat next to him. Rishabh came and sat next to him. Rohit pulled him towards himself and put his arm around him and started, "I know how you are feeling Rishabh and trust me I would have felt the same way but it's not always about winning, sometimes it's about giving your best and learning from your mistakes."

"I wanted to win this Rohit bhaiya, for Shreyas bhaiya, for the team, for us." Rishabh said feebly crying.

"I know but losing makes you strong. This is just one game. Many more will come. It makes you learn, not do the same mistakes again and do better next time." Rohit explained, still holding him tight.

"I know what you are capable of, that just wasn't your day. You don't have to blame yourself for the team's failure. One day you are really gonna make us proud, trust me." he completed gently.

Rishabh looked up and very innocently asked, "You think so bhaiya?"

Rohit tightened his embrace and delightedly said, "I know so."

After a few minutes Rishabh stopped crying completely and smilingly said, " let's eat Rohit bhaiya. You were hungry right?"

Rishabh for the first time in a while smiled genuinely.

Rohit too smiled at the boy's concern, ruffled his hair and nodded.

Both of them started eating and feeding each other. Laughing and talking, enjoyed the dinner.

Later when Virat came to check on both of them, he found Rishabh sleeping peacefully, cuddled to Rohit, both of their's mouth opened.

Virat beamed at the adorable sight, clicked a picture for future blackmail purposes, and happily left to his own room.

And true to Rohit's words, Rishabh did make everyone proud in the iconic gabba win.

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