𝟱𝟵┊❛ [𝗥𝗲𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗻] ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌

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࿐ ࿔*:・゚

Steve gets thrown into heavy rubble as Thanos's sword breaks his shield with one final blow. He laid there for a moment and rolled over, grunting in the effort.

"I'm all my years of conquest," Thanos spoke, " Violence, Slaughter, it was never personal. But I'll tell you now, what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying, little planet, I'm gonna enjoy it. Very, very much."

Thanos's children, the Black Order, beamed down from their ship onto the ground followed by the armies of Chitauri, Sakaarians, Outriders, Leviathans, Chitauri Gorillas, and thousands of loyal soldiers, ready to wipe the planet clean on the order of Thanos.

Steve took a breath and pushed himself back to his feet. With laboured breaths, he turned towards the oncoming horde. He was bloody, badly bruised, tired and out of breath. But at the same time, willing to fight till his last.

He tightened the strap of his shield, tightening the hold on the deep bleeding cut. With fierce determination, he limped forward, until a voice made him pause.

"Hey, Cap, you read me? Cap, it's Sam. Can you hear me?" A sparking noise caught his attention and he turned to his side, "On your left." The portal widens and three figures walk out of it. T'Challa, Okoye, and Shuri walked forward together. Steve's eyes watered a bit; the Snap really did work. T'Challa nodded at him in determination. Sam flew out and swerved around Captain America.

Out of one of the portals, came Dr. Strange, Drax, Mantis and Star-Lord. Spiderman swung forward and landed in front of them. He looked up just as the metal plates of the mask of his suit shifted open.

The Wakandans chant in Xhosa as Okoye hit her spear on the ground in punctuation. Kingsguard, the Border Tribe, Dora Milaje, every single warrior who were dusted away five years ago flocked together behind their king. Bucky and Groot walked out, leading a few of them in the front.

Asgardians walked out of another portal, armed with weapons and were led by Korg and Valkyrie in her Pegasus. Wanda landed on the ground in front of them, each hands holding large spheres of red energy at her sides.

The Masters of Mystic Arts summoned their shield and hold a stance as Wong stood in front of them. Hope lands up in their mix. Thor summoned the Stormbreaker with a proud yet relieved smirk; Tony sat up and watched as Pepper landed on her Rescue suit designed for her.

"Is that everyone?" Dr. Strange turned to Wong.

"What? You wanted more?" he gave him an annoyed look.

A loud rumbling noise caught their attention and they turned towards it. Scott grew up through the destructed building in his giant size. He held out his hand and opened it; Bruce, Rhodey, and Rocket jumped out, ready to fight. Rocket jumped onto the War Machine's side and cocked his gun. Y/N floated herself down onto the rubble beside them, her glowing green eyes fixed on the army of Thanos.

Everyone gathered, shouting war cries in unison. Steve turned back to Thanos, this time with more fire in his eyes. He was glad to see the hint of shock and surprise in his expressions and couldn't help but smirk a bit. "Avengers," he yelled and Mjolnir flew into his outstretched arm, "Assemble."

Thor let out a war cry with T'Challa and everyone yelled with him as they charge at the enemy force. Thanos pointed his sword forward, ordering his own to do the same.

The two armies met in the middle, swinging weapons, taking out each other, and drawing blood. The ground shook from the intensity of the battle. Scott punched a Leviathan square in the jaw. M'Baku stabbed his spear thorough an Outrider and slammed it to the ground. Pepper and Tony were back to back, sending blasts from their suits at the alien spaceships from their repulsors and arc reactors.

Y/N hurled a large large green ball of energy at a Leviathan coming her way. It stumbled back slightly; green mists enveloped it at once and it was spun and thrown into a spaceship, making it explode instantly. Propelled herself higher into the air, she flexed her shoulders back and raised her hands at her sides, her eyes glowed green; Clouds gathered in the sky above her and a few streaks of lightning hit the Chitauri Gorrilas on the ground, narrowing missing Dr. Strange and Korg below.

A force hit her back and she went tumbling on the ground. She grunted in pain as she came to a stop on her back. Flipping herself on her front, she looked up and saw Proxima Midnight, flexing her battle staves at her sides. "Ugh, you again," Y/N rolled her eyes with a dirty look and dusted her vest as she stood up. She waved her hands at her sides gracefully and it filled up with green mists.

With a yell, Proxima boosted herself from a broken down car nearby and jumped forward; her stave held in position. Y/N held her hands in a X- shape, creating a green shield in front of her. She stumbled back as Proxima continued to hit her continuously. She activated the blade of the stave and swung it at her neck. Y/N ducked just in time and flicked her wrists at her leg. Proxima's foot was engulfed by a cloud of green; Y/N did a full backward bend and threw her onto the ground far behind her.

Rolling over to her front with one hand on the ground in front of her, she stood up when Scott foot squashed her like a bug. "Gross," Y/N breathed heavily, resting her hands on her hips.

"Ew, Y/N! That's disgusting, girl," a familiar groaned from her back.

"Hey doll," another voice greeted.

Eyes widening, Y/N dropped her hands to her sides and froze; zoning out the battle around her for a moment. Heart picking up pace, she spun on her heel and saw Sam and Bucky. All she could do was stare at them for a few moments, not believing that they were real and were actually back. She got her boys back by her side.

Bucky was the same as she saw him the last him; the same long hair, short beard and lopsided smile. He was resting his rifle against his shoulder, one finger placed over the trigger.

Sam had his face scrunched up in disgust, holding two guns in each hand and staring at the spot where Proxima had been squashed to death.

When Bucky saw her, his jaw dropped and his eyebrows went high, "Woah, wait wha—Ow!"

"Y/N! I can't breathe! You're strangling me!" Sam grunted and gasped for breath.

For Y/N had rushed to them at once brought them into a hug, nearly crushing them. She rested her forehead on their shoulders, holding back a happy sob, "God, I missed you morons so much."

"Aw, are you crying?" Sam asked as he and Bucky hugged her back.

"Never," Y/N sniffed and chuckled, shutting her eyes and hugging them closer to herself.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

As the battle continued, Y/N went back to contending with the of aliens around her. At one point of time, they managed to get an upper hand of the situation and surrounded her.

A red blast was sent right by her, missing her by inches. The stream of energy spread around her and sliced the Outriders and causing them to fall on their back, lifeless.

Y/N turned around to see her best friend drop her hands to her sides.


⊱ ────── {.⋅ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

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