𝟱𝟳┊❛ [𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝗻𝗮𝗽] ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌

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"Alright, the glove's ready," Rocket announced after he helped Tony and Bruce fit the Stones on it and gathered everyone in a room, "Question is, who's gonna snap their freakin' fingers?"

"I'll do it," Thor volunteered instantly and walked forward.

"Excuse me," Tony didn't know if he heard it right.

"It's okay," he tried to walk past him but Steve and Tony pushed him back.

"Stop, Stop. Slow down."

"Wait, wait, Thor," Steve persuaded, "Just wait. We haven't decided who's gonna put that on."

"I'm sorry what, we're all just sitting around, waiting for the right opportunity?" Thor asked.

"We should at least discuss it," Scott said.

"Look, sitting here, staring at this thing is not gonna bring everybody back. I'm the strongest Avenger, okay? So this responsibility falls upon me."

"Normally, you're right," Tony stood in front him.

"It's my duty."

"It's not about that."

"It's not that."

"Hey buddy—"

"Stop it! Just let me—" he broke off and gripped Tony's hand on his chest, "Just let me do it. Just let me do it. Just let me do something good." his voice shook in a way that broke Y/N's heart, "Something right."

"Look, it's not just the fact that that Glove is channelling enough energy to light up a continent," Tony explained, "I'm telling you. You're in no condition."

"What do you think is coursing through my veins right now?" Thor scoffed.

"Cheez Whiz?" Rhodey guessed.

He pointed at him with a look and added to Tony, "Lightning."

"Lightning won't help you pal," Bruce spoke up, "It's gotta be me. You saw what those Stones did to Thanos. It almost killed him. None of you could survive it."

"How do we know you will?" asked Steve.

"We don't," he stepped forward, "But the radiation's mostly gamma. It's like I was made for this."

With that decision made, everyone stood back as Bruce held the Glove in his hand. Y/N, Thor and Rocket were standing together in front of a table. All three of them looking similar from their anxious expressions.

"Good to go, yeah?" asked Tony and walked towards Clint.

Bruce looked up at him, "Let's do it."

"Okay, remember, everyone Thanos snapped away five years ago, you're just bringing them back to now, today," he clarified, "Don't change anything from the last five years."

"Got it."

Steve walked up to his side, fully armed and held his shield in front of him. Scott and Rhodey activated the masks of their suits and closed it around their faces.

Thor held a hand in front of Rocket and Y/N protectively and pushed the two behind him. Y/N placed a hand on his and waved her left hand at her side, twisting a ball of green energy and Rocket put on his goggles.

Tony tapped his arc reactor twice; his Ironman suit crawled out and concealed him under it. The helmet shut around his head and face and he held a laser shield in front of himself and Clint, "FRIDAY, do me a favour and activate Barn Door Protocol, will ya?"

"Yes boss," the AI responded; Metal doors closed over ever door and window of the building, leaving light to enter only through the transparent glass ceiling.

"Everbody comes home," Bruce told to himself and put his hand into the red metal Glove. Metal plates expand and shift to fit into his arm. As soon as it locked around his arm, Bruce fell to his knee; multicoloured bolts of energy travelled up his arm from the glove. He groaned in pain at the coursing energy and it started to build up.

"Take it off!" Thor spluttered as Y/N bit her nails anxiously, the green energy ball on her left hand growing bigger by the moment. "Take it off!"

"No, wait," Steve interrupts, "Bruce, are you okay?"

"Talk to me, Banner," Tony started to grow worried.

It took a few moments, but Bruce managed to nod and assure through the pain, "I'm okay, I'm okay." Thor anxiously gave a double thumbs up and Rocket placed each of his hands on Y/N's and Thor's shoulders.

Fighting through the pain, Bruce lifted his right arm with the help of his left.

With great difficulty, he snapped; a bright white light flashed over the room, blinding everyone for a moment. The Glove slipped off of his hand to the ground to reveal his badly damaged arm and he fell on his back.

"Bruce!" Steve kneeled down next to him as Clint kicked the glove away as it smoked.

"Don't move," Tony instructed and shot ice from his repulsors up Bruce's injured arm.

Y/N started to close the wound that were crawling up Bruce's neck with green mists. He gripped Steve's wrist and Thor kneeled down, "Did it work?"

"We're not sure. It's okay," Thor silenced him, placing a hand on his forehead for comfort. The Barn Door Protocol was removed; the metal doors opened and Scott walked over to the windows.

Y/N stood up as her phone started ringing. Seeing Sarah's name in the caller ID, she answered it, "Hello?"

"Y/N!" Sarah's voice shook from the other end of the call, "Something's happening! It's like, like the people that vanished are appearing again," she stammered, "It's crazy."

Before Y/N could respond, a blast shattered the window in front of her and blew up the room, throwing her against a wall and knocking her out instantly.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✪ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

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