𝟯𝟮┊❛ [𝗧𝘄𝗶𝗰𝗲] ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌

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࿐ ࿔*:・゚

Steve, Y/N, Sam and Wanda were now in the Quinjet, getting ready for take off, after visiting Bucky as he was going back into the Cryo.

"Did you tell them?" Bucky asked, looking over Y/N's shoulder and sat on the white bed behind him.

"Nah," she shook her and followed his gaze behind her back, "I'm kinda scared, to be honest."

He took her hands in his and pressed her palms to his scruff-covered cheeks, feeling and memorising her soothing touch, "You'll come to visit me, right?"

"Got nothing else to do," Y/N grinned, wrapping her arms around his neck as his own went around her waist. The two leaned in for a kiss with parted lips—

"Yes! Yes! I knew it!"

The two jerked apart and turned around. Shuri was pointing her finger at them with a mad grin, "Ha! Now that looser has to take me to Disneyland!" she scoffed in victory and walked out of the lab with her head held high.

After they were on air, Sam kept turning on his pilot seat and giving Y/N a look that said 'Do it! Tell them now!'.

Y/N would reply to that with a vigorous shake of her head and wide eyes, making him groan soundlessly.

He knew Y/N was afraid of what Wanda might think of her because of, well, Pietro. Y/N never knew how Wanda felt truly about it, as much as she encouraged her to make a move on Bucky. This only added to the frustration Sam already had. He could keep secrets, but not secrets like this. This was gossip.

Steve set the Quinjet on autopilot and walked towards the seat beside Wanda. Sam gave Y/N a pleading look and she sighed, "IkissedBucky," she said quickly in one single breath.

Steve and Wanda shared a confused glance and turned to her. 

Sam turned and mouthed, 'wow' with an exasperated look; clearly unamused.

"What?" Steve frowned, and Wanda gasped loudly, jumping up from her seat.

"You kissed Bucky!" she pointed an accusing finger, "Twice!"

"You kissed Bucky?!" Steve's eyes were as wide as saucers.

"Twice?!" Sam yelled, spinning on his pilot seat and stared at her with his mouth open. Y/N winced with a tight-lipped smile.

"You knew?!"

"Of course, I did!" he rolled his eyes and stood up, "I walked in on them."

"Shameless," Wanda muttered and shook her head at him.

"That's what he was trying to tell me," a look of realization came on Steve's face and he got to his feet, "I mean it was kind of obvious."

"They were always nervous and self conscious around each another," Wanda added with a smile.

"And the time when Y/N was high—"

"Sedated," Steve corrected yet again.

"Whatever Cap," Sam dismissed and continued, "When she was hitting on him, he almost seemed to be enjoying it."

"I noticed it too," Wanda nodded and Steve crossed his arms and shrugged.

"Hello?" Y/N waved a hand, "What the hell is going on here?" she pointed at the small circle the three had formed subconsciously when they spoke.

"My exact thoughts when I saw them on the kitchen counter," Sam shuddered, "Never, ever— When I tell you that is not something you wanna see at 2 am,"

"That's what you get for embarrassing and teasing me!" Y/N gave a pointed look, " About all the things I blabbered when I was high, or sedated, or whatever. And you're overreacting," she waved her hands around and added.

"Am I?!"

"Okay, that's enough!" Steve raised his voice and turned to Y/N, "N/N, I'm happy for you and Bucky," he walked towards her and patted her shoulder, "And it's about time you got a break too."

Y/N shot him a thankful smile and turned around, "Sam?"

"It's not like you're gonna listen to me," he looked slightly grumpy that she had kissed Bucky out of all the men on Earth.

"But?" she added and stood up, stepping towards him.

"But I'm happy for you," he mumbled under his breath in defeat and stared at the floor, "And, look, it's just that," he swallowed harshly, "Ever since I lost Riley, I haven't been myself. I mean, I lost my only best friend. That is until I met you. You became my best friend quicker than I thought you would. You might have myself, Wanda, and Vision as your closest friends. But I only have you, other than Steve. You're my wing woman, and I'm your wing man."

"Aww," Y/N pouted her lower lip, feeling extremely touched at his words.

"Don't 'aww' me!" he scowled up at her.

"Right, sorry," she apologized, "Continue."

"So, what I'm trying to say is that I'm afraid you'll forget about me and go with the guy you met merely days ago."

"No, of course not," she declined, "Come here," she pulled him in a hug, "Never gonna leave my favourite pigeon." Sam rolled his eyes and returned the hug with a chuckle.

After Y/N withdrew from the hug, Wanda attacked her in a bear hug, "You already know that I have no problem with it, N/N. So, don't feel bad or guilty and don't overthink."

"I love you, Andie," Y/N grinned as Wanda pulled back.

"I love you too, N/N," she tilted her head with a smile, but frowned when she saw a smirk on Y/N's face, "What?"

"Do they know about Viz, or—"

"What now," Sam and Steve turned to Wanda, who was glaring at a smirking Y/N.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✪ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

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