𝟯𝟯┊❛ [𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗲] ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌

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࿐ ࿔*:・゚

Despite being the country with the most advanced technology and weapons, Wakanda was a country of peace and tranquility. It was serene and calm, contrast to the conflicts and wars outside its borders.

Steve, Y/N, and Sam were on the run together as the government, with Ross's lead, worked tirelessly to catch them. They would be constantly moving from one hotel to another, or stayover in the Quinjet, having late night conversations and take out food. Once, Y/N and Sam even shoplifted, just for fun of it, which resulted in a very long fatherly lecture from Steve.

Wanda was staying in an apartment in Scotland, saying she wanted more time to herself. But Y/N strongly suspected that she had started a relationship in secret with Vision and moved it up a notch. She inquired about it to Steve and Sam, but both of them replied with an awkward shrugs and unclear mumbles of declination.

When T'Challa had informed them that Bucky was out of Cyro, Y/N requested if she could stay with him for some time till the procedure (for removing the Winter Soldier Programme) was over. Shuri bet T'Challa to it and told that Y/N was most welcome, and could come over whenever she wanted.

Y/N raked her, now long, hair that reached till her elbow behind her head as the wind blew against her face. She had let it grow because Sam often mocked her saying that she was twinning with Bucky in her short hair and that he would barely be able to differentiate between the two. She was conflicted whether to take it as a compliment or as an insult.

It had been over a week after Y/N had arrived to Wakanda. She was staying in a small hut in the border with Bucky which had 1 bathroom, bedroom and a kitchen; which was ample for two people. Bucky was slowly regaining his memories and he told as much as he can to Y/N, in fear that if he forgets, she might be able to remind him. Y/N memorised each and every memory she was told; glad that he was comfortable with sharing them with her.

Whenever Bucky went with the programme, Y/N passed her time with Shuri in the lab as she too didn't have much to do. They would upgrade weapons in the lab or T'Challa's suit together. They even made fun of T'Challa, not bothering that he was a king, and pranking him every now and then; greatly amusing Nakia. Y/N even spent her time with Ayo and Okoye. Sometimes, they even trained her, telling that she couldn't rely on her powers all the time and need to learn to defend herself. 

"It is time."

Today was the last day of the removal of the Winter Soldier Programme from Bucky's mind. Ayo had taken Bucky far from the city; just in case the trigger words had an effect on him. She had also called Y/N this time for back up.

"Are you sure are about this?" Bucky asked shakily, staring at the fire in front of him.

"We won't let you hurt anyone," Ayo told and Y/N interlaced her hands with his in assurance.

"Longing," Ayo started and walked towards the pair, "Rusted...."

Bucky tensed up and clenched his jaw.


"It's not gonna work," he whispered to himself.


Bucky's breath started to get ragged and Y/N felt him tighten his grip on her hand.

"Furnace, Nine,"

He fought to stay as the horrors of his past under HYDRA's control flashed before his eyes.

"Benign, Homecoming"

His eyes brimmed with tears, remembering every life he took.

"One, Freight car,"

This was it. The Winter Soldier programme was finally removed from his mind. Bucky stared at the fire in disbelief, tears falling down his cheeks.

"You are free."

He looked up and saw Ayo nod at him. He squeezed his eye shut, forcing down tears. His shoulders shook as he dipped forward, his hair screening the sides of his face.

Y/N quickly pulled him in a hug and Bucky buried his head in the crook of her neck, wrapping his arm around her waist. She rubbed his back soothingly, letting him cry on her shoulder and blinked back her tears with pursed lips and relieved look, smiling at Ayo who too had tears in her eyes.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✪ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

Bucky sat on the bed beside Y/N, against the bedrest, lazily dragging his left hand on her back. Finally, the Winter Soldier was out of his mind, but still, he couldn't help but feel the ghost of it in him. He looked down at Y/N who was passed out on the bed. She was lying on her stomach, her long hair all over the side of her face and she had a peaceful look of slumber.

He smiled down at her. He might met her just a year ago, but there wasn't a thing he wouldn't do for her. She was the only one who treated him like a normal person, other than Steve. She had something about herself that just drew him towards her.   Bucky's eyes widened and he froze as realisation hit him— He was in love with Y/N.

He looked down at her; Was it too early too tell? What if she didn't feel like saying it back? What if he was pushing her and they were going too fast? What if those three words ruins their entire relationship? Bucky's head spun with questions as he debated with himself.

"No, no," Y/N spoke up and looked up at him through her tousled hair, "Keep doing that," she grabbed his hand and put it on her back sloppily, indicating for him to continue his previous actions.

She heard Bucky laugh slightly and continue to trace lazy patterns. She smiled into the pillow and sighed in comfort; but then it hit her. Bucky wasn't drawing random shapes and lazy patterns but a sentence, unknowingly: I love you.

Y/N snapped her head up and stared at him with her mouth slightly agape. She blinked rapidly and pressed her lips together to hold back a growing smile.

"What?" Bucky questioned innocently, chuckling at her face as she propped herself on her elbows.

Shaking her head, Y/N leaned up to place a soft, long kiss on his lips, letting her fingers cup his lower jaw loosely, "I love you too."

She fell face first into the pillow with a smirk, leaving Bucky to stare at the opposite wall with flushed face and wide eyes.

"You mean that?"

Y/N lifted her head up again to gaze at his baffled face, "Yeah. I do."

"I love you too," he gave her a lopsided smile, "And so," he trailed with an doubtful look, "Does that mean we work? That we are officially dating?" the last word felt foreign on his tongue, almost as though he wasn't deserving of it. 

"Mhmm," she hummed, moving to press a kiss to his jaw, but Bucky was quicker and caught his lips with her own, making her smile into the kiss.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✪ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

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