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Some days have passed after final selection but Nezuko didn't mind as she used the time to play with her demon older brother and helped around the butterfly estate with helping healing injured demon slayers while also talking with Kanao as she tried to get Kanao to decide without her coin but no progress so far

But one thing Nezuko and Kanao didn't realize was they were falling in love with each other

Soon Nezuko,Kanao and Aoi got their swords and uniforms

Nezuko's sword was black faded into pink at the end

Kanao's sword was the same in the anime (I don't remember her sword and I'm too lazy to google it lmao)

Aoi's sword was like light blue color

Nezuko had her uniform(with the skirt) with a black haori faded into pink with a pattern over her uniform (the same pattern on Nezuko's kimono) as Nezuko have pink and black boots with a green mask with somewhat of a vine and flower pattern on it

Kanao had her dark purple uniform with a cape thing over it with some white boots

But Aoi put on her uniform without a haori or such but she was too scared to ever go on missions

Soon Nezuko's crow came thru the window as Nezuko put her arm out and let her crow land on her arm

"Caw caw! Nezuko Kamado, Kanao Tsuyuri head to a town to the north! Caw caw!" Nezuko's crow said as they were both sent on their first mission

Nezuko and Kanao got up and they were about to leave but Shinobu stopped them

"Huh-? What is it Shinobu-san?" Nezuko said as she turned around

"Oh don't need to use san and if you want you can call me nee-chan" Shinobu said as Nezuko was shocked that Shinobu let her call her nee-chan

"Anyways I decided that you can bring your brother with you on missions as he could help you" Shinobu said which got Nezuko excited but realized Tanjiro will burn in the sunlight

Shinobu noticed the excitement than sadness from realizing her older brother couldn't go in the sun

"Close the curtains" shinobu said as Aoi and three girls went to close the curtains as shinobu said as Kanao went and help them close the curtains

"Huh-?" Nezuko was confused until she heard a door open then she saw her older brother as her eyes widened in shock

Tanjiro was wearing a demon slayer uniform as it would protect him so he doesn't get injured a lot and use a lot of energy to heal or regenerate, Tanjiro has his green checkered Haori that could cover his hands as well over his uniform and he also has a straw hat as he lay the straw hat on his back near his neck and he has his bamboo muzzle on still

Tanjiro ran to his younger sister and hugged her

"Why does he has a straw hat?" Nezuko asked as she hugged her older brother

"That's to protect him from the sunlight of course" shinobu said

Soon Nezuko realized and smile he would be protected from the sunlight while they would go on missions

"Let's get going then!" Nezuko said as she put the straw hat on her older brother's head as she grabbed her older brother's hand and ran to Kanao and grabbed her hand as Kanao blushed slightly at the sudden action but it was visible

Nezuko ran out of the butterfly estate with Tanjiro and Kanao but Tanjiro pulled back as Nezuko let go

Tanjiro quickly covered his hands with his haori as he quickly regenerated some part of his hands as her younger sister grabbed his hand again with his haori covering his hand this time

Maybe someday... {Kanao x Nezuko}Where stories live. Discover now