ᴄʜᴘ 15🌷

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Nezuko was walking towards the kitchen as she got hungry then she quickly remembered something

Nezuko thought about the red flames as Nezuko thought that the red flames is Tanjiro's demon blood art as Shinobu told her when she was training that demons could possibly have abilities called demon blood art

Nezuko grab something from the kitchen to eat then starts to walk towards Shinobu's office quickly

Soon Nezuko reached Shinobu's office as she knocked on the door as she waited "Come in" Nezuko heard as she opened the door and entered

"What is it Nezuko-chan?" Shinobu asked As nezuko entered her office, "well I just remembered this now but I think Tanjiro has unlocked his demon blood art when we were on the mission at Natagumo Mountain" Nezuko told Shinobu which shocked her

Soon Shinobu became unfaze "Thank you for telling me Nezuko" Shinobu told Nezuko with her usual smile

Nezuko soon left Shinobu's office then started to go to her room where her brother is before anything happens

Soon she heard Zenitsu complaining about the training that they were forced to do so they could go on missions again by shinobu

Nezuko sighed as she tried to walk pass so she could rest but immediately got spotted by Zenitsu himself "NEZUUUKO-CHAAAAAN!" Zenitsu screamed as he was crying

Nezuko wondered why she's somehow friends with a lunatic that wants to challenge people even if they say no and a want a wife wanted crybaby(cough sorry zenitsu cough) as she kept walking towards her room as Zenitsu screamed Nezuko's name again as he kept crying but Nezuko didn't even ask what is wrong or something like that

Soon Zenitsu screamed for Nezuko's name as he ran towards Nezuko as he kept crying but again Nezuko ignored him and kept wondering how in the world did she end up with a lunatic that wants to challenge people even if they say no and a want a wife wanted crybaby(again sorry zenitsu-)

But Zenitsu couldn't get near Nezuko as he couldn't leave the training room until training was done unless it's something important

Nezuko entered her room and saw her older brother as he got up and ran towards Nezuko and hugged him as Nezuko hugged him back

"Onii-Chan I will go to sleep for now as I need to rest for now so just do whatever you want just don't cause a lot of troubles" Nezuko told Tanjiro as they let go from the hug as Nezuko walked towards her bed as she sat down on her bed

Tanjiro nodded in understanding as Nezuko lay down on her bed and soon fell asleep as Tanjiro left the room out of boredom

Training for Zenitsu and Inosuke was almost done as Tanjiro walked around in boredom

Tanjiro was of course careful not to burn in the sunlight

It had been a few minutes later of Tanjiro walking around or playing with someone

Tanjiro was currently just doing nothing then Tanjiro saw Nezuko's crow as he got up and let the crow land on his straw hat

Tanjiro started walking towards his room to wake up his sister as he soon entered the room and walked towards his sister

Tanjiro started lightly shaking Nezuko to wake up but Nezuko just groaned "5 more minutes" which of course upset Tanjiro as he started to shake Nezuko aggressively to wake her up

"Okay okay! I'm up I'm up!" Nezuko said as she sat up, "what is i-" Nezuko was about to ask until the crow spoke

"Caw Caw! Nezuko Kamado! You,Kanao,Zenitsu and Inosuke have a mission with the flame pillar" the crow shouted as Nezuko just looked annoyed

Nezuko got up and changed into her uniform as she put on her Haori as well as grab her sword

She grabbed her older brother's hand and ran out of the room to get Kanao,Zenitsu and Inosuke

Soon they went on the mission they were given as Nezuko being carried by Tanjiro again as she slept for a bit until they get to where their mission is

Zenitsu was jealous as he wanted to carry Nezuko but also terrified because of how overprotective Tanjiro can be and because he is a demon

When they arrived at where their mission is Tanjiro asked Kanao to wake up Nezuko and of course after a coin flip she did

And of cour Nezuko didn't want to wake up "No- 5 more minutes" Nezuko said as she groaned which Tanjiro respond with literally dropping her onto the floor

"Onii-Chan!" Nezuko said as she groaned in a bit of pain as she stood up

Nezuko looked around then saw a train- (ah sh-t already remembering what happened)

Nezuko sighed and just wanted this to end as soon as possible "let's get going then" Nezuko was about to say until she heard Inosuke "WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL IS THIS?!" Inosuke shouted which reminded Nezuko that Zenitsu and Inosuke were here as well as she sighed in already annoyance

Inosuke started saying random stuff as he never seem a train as Nezuko just wanted to bang her head on something

"It's a train" Nezuko said as she motion her older brother to grab him so he doesn't do anything

Tanjiro nodded as he grabbed Inosuke by the neck and pulled him back "HEY! I SAID I WAS GONNA ATTACK IT FIRST" Inosuke shouted as people gave weird looks

Inosuke struggles to get lose from Tanjiro's grip, "THEY HAVE GOT SWORDS" someone said which made the group of demon slayers look at who shouted that and began to ran and hide somewhere

Nezuko sighed as she forgot that they can't carry swords so openly because of the demon slayer corps organization isn't recognized by the government

Nezuko decided to hide her sword as the older also did as Kanao couldn't really hide her sword as she gave her sword to Nezuko to hide it for her as she did not trust Zenitsu or Inosuke with her sword

Nezuko hide Kanao's sword as well as she asked her older brother if he could buy the tickets as Tanjiro was the most responsible one out of all of them except Kanao- Probably-

Tanjiro nodded as he left to go buy the tickets and after a bit Tanjiro came back with the tickets and gave the others the tickets as they all quickly boarded the train before it left

Inosuke was about to shout something but Nezuko said something first

"Inosuke shut up before I ask my older brother to headbutt you after this mission" Nezuko said which made Inosuke shut up

Soon they found Rengoku as he was saying Umai! A lot while eating

Tanjiro recognizes Rengoku from the hashira meeting as he ran towards Rengoku "Eh- Onii-Chan! Wait up!" Nezuko said as she and the others follow as almost all of them don't know the hashiras except Kanao-(maybe-? Idk)

Rengoku was still saying Umai while eating then Tanjiro hugged him but Rengoku didn't say anything until he finished eating everything-

They all sat down of course as Tanjiro sat beside Rengoku and Nezuko sat infront of Tanjiro as they talked with Rengoku

Nezuko for some reason couldn't get the red flames from her mission on Natagumo Mountain but she tried to ignore it


Y'all know what's next- altho I want rengoku to stay alive but Idk how qmq so yea Rengoku will probably die unless I somehow come up with a way to save him from Akaza-

Y'all know what's next- altho I want rengoku to stay alive but Idk how qmq so yea Rengoku will probably die unless I somehow come up with a way to save him from Akaza-

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