ᴄʜᴘ 14🌷

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Nezuko slept for a whole day until it was tomorrow morning as Tanjiro woke up much later as Kanao was the first to wake up out of the other two, not including Zenitsu and Inosuke -v-

Nezuko sat up quickly as she woke up as she saw she was in her room then she remembered what happened and began to look for her older brother then she sighed in relief that her older brother is okay

Tanjiro was sleeping in a bed next to Nezuko's bed but he wasn't awake yet but he was fine

Nezuko got up as she went to change into the usual pink kimono that she kept even if it was in even worse condition than before she was brought to the butterfly estate for the first time but Nezuko kept fixing the kimono since it was her favorite kimono

Nezuko walked out of her room and ran around to find Shinobu until she ran past a room and hears someone screaming as she recognized who it was

Nezuko heard Zenitsu screaming and complaining because of medicine or something as Nezuko inhaled and exhaled and mentally prepared herself for the torture of Zenitsu and Inosuke but mostly Zenitsu since Nezuko doesn't have her older brother with her which means Zenitsu is gonna be a lot more annoying

Nezuko opened the door and came inside the room to see Zenitsu screaming and crying as he complained about medicine stuff while she saw Inosuke bashing his head into the wall while a familiar female tried to stop him as Inosuke kept laughing like a maniac

"NEZUKO-CHAN" Zenitsu screamed in joy to see Nezuko which made Nezuko almost leave immediately in fear of Zenitsu chasing her everywhere again then Nezuko heard a familiar person

"Oh! Nezuko-Chan! You're awake!" Aoi ran over to Nezuko with a smile as she hugged Nezuko

"It's been a bit since I last seen you! I missed you!" Aoi said as Nezuko hugged back, "Yea I missed you too Aoi-Chan!" Nezuko said as she smiled while hugging Aoi

They soon let go of each other as Aoi and Nezuko left the room as Aoi motion Nezuko to follow her because she wanted to tell her something

They close the door and walked while speaking to each other "So Aoi-Chan what did you want to tell me?" Nezuko said as they walked towards the kitchen as Nezuko was hungry

"Shinobu-Chan said that those two are supposed to do rehabilitation training and maybe Tanjiro-Kun will join them so he could get stronger, oh and before I forgot we will be training them" Aoi said which made Nezuko smiled as the rehabilitation training is very very harsh and if you can't finish it you won't be able to go on missions until it's done

"So wanna join me,Kanao,Sumi,Kiyo and Naho train them?" Aoi asked as Nezuko quickly nodded her head while smiling

The next morning Tanjiro woke up which made Nezuko extremely happy as she had to deal with helping around and had to deal with Zenitsu's complaining and calling for her to stay with him and more marriage proposal while Inosuke tried to challenge Nezuko but Nezuko easily dodged multiple times

Nezuko told Tanjiro about the rehabilitation training and asked if he wanted to do it and of course Tanjiro nodded in agreeing to do it

Zenitsu was still in recovery so Tanjiro and Inosuke would be the one doing the rehabilitation training until Zenitsu felt better

When Zenitsu went to training with Inosuke he saw Tanjiro already waiting as his sister played with his hair as Tanjiro let his hair grow longer as his sister liked to play with his hair when it was long so he kept it long

Zenitsu saw Nezuko and ran to her "NEZUUUKO-CHAAAAN~~" Zenitsu screamed for Nezuko and he ran towards her as Nezuko flinched as Zenitsu screamed her name and quickly got up not caring about what she was doing before and got infront of her older brother in fear of Zenitsu as her older brother grew in size and death stared Zenitsu which made him flinch and scream in fear

Maybe someday... {Kanao x Nezuko}Where stories live. Discover now