Chp 23🌷

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3rd pov

It was the end of the day as most demon slayers treated were resting so they heal while they restore their energy

The helpers at the butterfly estate and Shinobu were exhausted at the end of the day while Tanjiro was Already asleep in his bed to regain his energy and strength

Nezuko was slowly walking towards her and her older brother's room to go to sleep after the exhausting day as well as the others

The next day

Nezuko woke up earlier than usual so she tried to go back to sleep... keyword tried yea she ended up failing going back to sleep so she got up and went to the kitchen to make herself something to eat since none of them ate dinner since Aoi was already going to her room to sleep and didn't have the energy to cook, Shinobu had another mission before she could sleep, Tanjiro was already asleep, Kanao was never taught to cook Idk why and Nezuko was to exhausted to even cook as well

Nezuko just grabbed something to eat since she was to lazy to cook "Couldn't sleep again I'm guessing?" Nezuko heard someone as she flinched at the sudden voice as she quickly turned to where the voice was and soon saw Kanao flipping her coin out of boredom it seems "Y-Yea- I tried to go to sleep and failed ehehe-..." Nezuko said as she ate something "I'm guessing you woke up and couldn't sleep again?" Nezuko said as she ate while Kanao nodded to Nezuko's question

"I will have to go on missions soon with or without my older brother since I can trust the butterfly estate-..." Nezuko said then realizing the demon slayers and started panicking "What if the injured demon slayers tried to hurt Tanjiro" Nezuko said as she began to mumble stuff in worries for her older brother

"I'm sure he will be fine, he knows how to protect himself and Aoi and the three little girls are there with him if we are out of missions" Kanao told Nezuko to calm her down which calm her a bit

"Well Imma finish eating this then go grt changed to go on missions without my older brother since it's gonna be a bit before he could go again" Nezuko said as she continued to eat while Kanao just nodded and soon left to go change into her demon slayer uniform as the sun was slowly rising

And soon Nezuko finished eating and went to her room to quickly get changed as she and Kanao were gonna go on missions as soon as possible

Kanao was just waiting with Nezuko then soon everyone started waking up, first was Aoi as she got the butterfly estate ready as she was ready to continue training Zenitsu and Inosuke to basically no end until they are worn out while Tanjiro just kept sleeping

After a few minutes the three little girls woke up to help Aoi as Kanao and Nezuko were talking

It was around 6:20 am (using EST timezone) when Shinobu came back and just went straight to her room to sleep, exhausted was understatement as Shinobu seems beyond exhausted even if she just stayed up for an entire day

Kanao and Nezuko made sure everything and everyone was okay and Nezuko told Aoi to take care of Tanjiro for her so he doesn't get killed by an injured demon slayer coming by as Aoi nodded in understanding

Kanao and Nezuko left immediately after that to go to their mission, it's better to get there while it's day before the demons come out and kill more humans right?

The location was a bit far from the butterfly estate so it took some hours to be able to get there but arrived before sunset so Kanao and Nezuko took the time to relax and investigate but of course still talking to each other with a slight blush unnoticeable to anyone basically

They ate and investigated as they talked along the way


No my motivation is still dead as ever- might as well write a new fanfic because Idk- I'm randomly wanting to write a new one, maybe a demon slayer fanfic and a naruto fanfic- I have been reading to much Naruto fanfic lmao-

Should I write a new demon slayer fanfic and a naruto fanfic out of pure boredom?

Well anyways Sayonara everyone!

Maybe someday... {Kanao x Nezuko}Where stories live. Discover now