ᴄʜᴘ 21🌷

341 3 17

Remember this is all made up because I don't have a good enough memory to remember what happened so yea

3ʀᴅ ᴘᴏᴠ

"What? I was just trying to get rid of him as he might interrupt our conversation" Akaza said which angered Nezuko but she couldn't do anything about it "how would he interrupt our so called conversation when he is passed out at the moment, shouldn't you probably have aimed at Kamado and Tsuyuri" Rengoku said as he questioned Akaza in curiosity

"Oh? I don't eat females so I don't usually kill them" Akaza said which made Nezuko hold onto her older brother even tighter as she didn't want to lose Tanjiro

Rengoku's grip on his sword got tighter as Akaza got ready to fight as he got into his stance and with amazing speed they both dashed at each other as they fought

Bright Flames flow behind rengoku's sword as he used the different forms of flame breathing as Akaza used his martial art skills and after some fighting Akaza destoryed rengoku's left(?) eye as it started bleeding

They fought for a while as Akaza asked Rengoku to become a demon a few times now but rengoku would refuse everytime he asked,Tanjiro started waking up as Nezuko and Kanao heard a muzzled groan and soon Tanjiro got up and looked at what was happening as his eye widened when he realized rengoku was fighting someone as he got up and ran to help Rengoku as his instincts tell him that the demon rengoku is fighting a much much stronger demon which also told him to help rengoku

"Onii-Chan!!" Nezuko called out to her older brother and tried to go after him and stop Tanjiro but she immediately fell to the ground and soon Kanao became stressed as she quickly took out her coin to decide what to do

Tanjiro tackled Akaza with all his strength which caught him off-gaurd as he was to distracted fighting Rengoku to notice Tanjiro coming at him which surprised Rengoku too

Akaza punched Tanjiro away a bit far but Tanjiro quickly got up refusing to Akaza kill rengoku as Akaza got up as well and looked annoyed and soon Akaza realized Tanjiro is a demon which shocked him "What is a demon doing helping a demon slayer?!" Akaza asked in shock and anger as someone is a traitor

Nezuko pulled her sword out of it's sheath as she concentrated on her breathing then  threw her sword towards Tanjiro as she didn't want her older brother to have to fight with, even if Tanjiro doesn't use a sword at all Nezuko still taught Tanjiro how to use a sword Incase of something like this

Tanjiro stopped as he heard his sister "Onii-Chan! Use my sword please!" Nezuko said trying to get Tanjiro to use her sword which Tanjiro hesitated a bit until he finally grabbed his sister's sword as he ran towards Akaza, even if Tanjiro couldn't use breathing styles but he learned a way to harm demons not just with the sword as he cut his arm a bit to get the blood to drip onto his own sister's sword as he ran towards Akaza once more


The blood on Nezuko's sword exploded into red flames as Tanjiro swing the sword at Akaza's neck as the red flames burned Akaza as he screamed in pain as they continued to fight while Zenitsu and Inosuke watched in shock, Kanao staying by Nezuko to help her and Nezuko watching the fight in even more worries than ever before

The sun was slowly rising which caused Nezuko to panic as Tanjiro doesn't have his straw hat and that she has it, as she panicked she doesn't know if she should call for her older brother or not and as she panicked she left someone fall onto her then Nezuko heard a groan from pain as she saw her older brother

Then she heard two people scream at each other as Nezuko looked back at the battle then her eyes widened in horror as she saw Uppermoon 3 punched a hole into Rengoku which caused Tanjiro to become anger and was about to get up until someone pulled them into a hug

"Onii-Chan... don't the sun will kill you and if we do try and help him, he would probably still die" Nezuko told her older brother as she cried which made Tanjiro sad

Akaza soon realized the sun was slowly rising as he tried to get freed so he could grt away but rengoku wouldn't let him escape as a rengoku's sword cut thru a bit of Akaza's neck, after a few attempts of escape he finally succeeded and ran for his life because the sun was rising higher and higher in the sky

Nezuko quickly place Tanjiro's straw hat on his head "Onii-Chan... can you help me be able to walk over to rengoku-san?" Nezuko asked her older brother for help even if Tanjiro was tired he still did what he was asked

They talked for a bit because I'm lazy af, then Rengoku saw his mother as his eyes widened in shock and soon it seems rengoku asked his mother about something then smiled as he slowly and soon died


The news of Rengoku's death soon reached to the other hashiras, of course some were sad about rengoku's death, some were in even more rage and their hatred for demons grew but when the news reached mitsuri she was devastated, mitsuri covered her mouth soon after she was told the news of rengoku's death as she soon cried

Zenitsu and Inosuke had to recover as they broke a few bones and such,Nezuko had to stay mostly in her room for her leg to recover, Kanao wasn't that hurt so she kept going on missions, Tanjiro was hurt badly when fighting Akaza so he had to sleep for a while before he could go on missions with his sister as he cannot heal like normal demons


Welp Rengoku still died in the end😭

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