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Tanjiro kept walking towards Natagumo mountain as Zenitsu kept shouting for Nezuko to not go into the mountain while crying

"KYAAAH NEZUKO PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME HERE" Zenitsu shouted for Nezuko again but Nezuko stayed on her older brother's back and didn't move an inch as Kanao followed beside them as Inosuke was behind

Soon they couldn't hear Zenitsu screaming for Nezuko as they were far enough and soon they found another demon slayer there as they asked what happened but the demon slayer turned around in horror then realized they were not attacking him

Soon the male demon slayer realized Tanjiro was a demon and was about to cut off Tanjiro's head, a pink sword blocked the male demon slayer's sword from killing Tanjiro

Nezuko was surprised at the sudden action of Kanao and thought if it was just her or an order to protect Tanjiro

But Nezuko didn't care at the moment as she held onto her older brother "Get off him! He's a demon!" The male whispered shouted as he tried to cut off Tanjiro's head again but was blocked by Kanao again

"This is my brother! He is proven to not eat humans!" Nezuko said to the male which surprised him as Nezuko pat her older brother(Tanjiro has his straw hat hanging from the front since Nezuko is on his back)

Kanao pushed the male's sword away from Tanjiro's neck with her sword as she quickly blocked an attack from another demon slayer but it seems different

Tanjiro and Nezuko flinched a bit as they weren't prepared for that

Wh-What's happening!" Nezuko asked as she held onto her older brother even more  as the male helped Kanao get rid of the sword in the demon slayer's hand

"I-I don't know! They just randomly started attacking me!" The male said as more demon slayers came and attacked them as Tanjiro grabbed Nezuko's sword and used it to block the attacks as Kanao,Inosuke and the male blocked the attacks as well

Nezuko got off her older brother's back and grabbed her sword back as Tanjiro got ready to fight the demon slayers as he sniff the air which was a horrible idea as he soon pinched his nose as he smelled something horrible

As Nezuko saw her older brother pinch his nose then saw a demon slayer trying to kill Tanjiro but Nezuko wouldn't allow it as she blocked an attack that was aimed at Tanjiro's neck

"Onii-Chan!" Nezuko called for her brother as he realized he had to defend himself as he had to ignore the horrible smell at the moment as they kept blocking attacks and such

Soon Tanjiro smelled a sweet scent or something as he grabbed his sister's sword "H-Hey! My sword! I need my sword!" Nezuko shouted as her brother cut off the strings controlling the demon slayers as the others saw this and became shocked that strings were controlling other demon slayers

Soon Nezuko got her sword back as they all knew what to do now as they kept cutting off the strings

Tanjiro tried to run off trying to find the demons on the mountain but was cut off by a controlled demon slayer

The male came to the rescue and blocked the attack "Go ahead! Now I know what to do so I will stay behind and fight them!" The male said as Nezuko,Kanao and Tanjiro nodded as Nezuko jumped onto her older brother's back as he was faster so yea

Tanjiro started running as Kanao followed while Inosuke laughed like a maniac while running

It has been a good few minutes and Nezuko is already annoyed by Inosuke as she questioned how her older brother is dealing with this

Maybe someday... {Kanao x Nezuko}Where stories live. Discover now