ᴄʜᴘ 11🌷

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Nezuko was running towards a random direction while Tanjiro and Kanao followed behind soon they stopped as they saw a male demon and the female demon that called for their 'father'

The female demon was holding onto their face as it healed but Nezuko,Tanjiro and Kanao were confused about what was happening

Until Nezuko stepped onto a small stick which made a noise loud enough for both the female and the male demon to hear and look around until they saw Nezuko

"What are you doing" the male looked upset as he stared at Nezuko in anger

Nezuko stepped out and got ready to slice off the demons head which made the male demon even more upset while the female got scared then they all saw another demon slayer

The male Demon slayer talked about money and such they would have earned not realizing the danger as he raised his sword and was gonna kill the male demon as Nezuko tried to stop him but it was too late

The male demons used strings to cut the demon slayer into many pieces which made Nezuko shock

Nezuko told herself it would be fine as she dashed towards the male demon as the male demon used the strings as Nezuko tried to cut the string with her sword but it broke which surprised Nezuko,Kanao and Tanjiro

Nezuko stepped back as her cheek got cut by the strings a bit as the male demon tried to finish Nezuko off but Tanjiro wouldn't allow it as he ran in front of Nezuko and blocked the attack which surprised the male demon,Nezuko,Kanao and the female demon on what just happened

Tanjiro fell back as Nezuko caught him "O-Onii-Chan!" Nezuko shouted as she hugged her older brother from behind as Kanao came out and ran towards Tanjiro to help after she flipped her coin

The male stared and was confused about what just happened and said about something about family bond nonsense and such because I don't remember at the moment qvq

The female demon was shocked at what the male demon said as he told the female demon to go kill the demon slayers on the mountain so she couldn't get in the way and the female soon ran off the kill the demon slayers on the mountain as two hashiras were getting near sometimes soon probably

"Girl" the male demon said which made Nezuko hug her older brother tighter as Tanjiro's arms or hands were almost cut off

"Give me your brother, if you hand him over quietly I'll spare your life" the male demon said which surprised Nezuko and Kanao as Tanjiro was focused on regenerating to listen to whatever the others were saying

Nezuko was shocked then became mad "There's no way I would ever give you my older brother" Nezuko shouted in anger as Nezuko got up and stood in front of Tanjiro then told Kanao to get Tanjiro somewhere close or far

Kanao nodded as Kanao looks at Tanjiro as Tanjiro shrank into a smaller size then Kanao picked up Tanjiro and ran a bit far but still close as Kanao place Tanjiro against a tree as Tanjiro kept regenerating

Nezuko clearly understood the situation "If you meant by giving you my brother to become your brother then I will never do that!" Nezuko shouted which made the male demon mad

"How annoying" the male demon said as Nezuko saw Tanjiro wasn't done regenerating as it was slow,

"Of course you won't... so I will kill you and take him" the male demon said as the male demon moved his hand under his hair that was covering one of his eyes

Nezuko looked at the male demon in anger "not if I cut off your head first" Nezuko said in anger as she stood with her broken sword as Tanjiro and Kanao were shocked at what Nezuko said as they both became worried in seconds as Nezuko was fighting with a broken sword

Maybe someday... {Kanao x Nezuko}Where stories live. Discover now