ᴄʜᴘ 19🌷

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Nezuko ran as she held onto her sword hilt as she tried to find the demon because she thought the demon might be near or something- but she also tried to find a way to wake up as she ran around she passed someone who hid their selves as

"I have to destory his spiritual core right away" a male said to himself as he pulled out what was given to him to destory the spiritual core (still don't know what it's really called-) as he stabbed the barrier that protected the spiritual core and hid where the spiritual core was

He opened a bit of the barrier as he walked pass the barrier, he was in shock at how beautiful the young female demon slayer's realm where the spiritual core hid, unlike Tanjiro's realm where his spiritual core hid Nezuko's realm for the spiritual core was a beautiful field with different kinds of flowers and a big beautiful sakura tree, soon a small light pink blob person(?) ran over to the male and soon a bit more came to greet the male as they knew exactly what the male wanted to find as they guided the male towards where Nezuko's spiritual core was and soon they were infront of the sakura tree as the male soon look up as the little light pink blob person pointed upwards

He soon saw the spiritual core which he didn't see before as he admired the beautiful realm as the male fell onto his knees, he didn't want to destory the spiritual core he didn't know why it felt peaceful there he wanted to just stay there forever

The spiritual core was a bright pink, it looked pure simply no hatred or such just pure kindness

Nezuko kept running in search of a demon but nothing then she heard two voices her father's and older brother's voices

"Nezuko..." She heard her older brother say then heard her father speak "there is something you must cut..." she heard her father say which confused her as her oldee brother spoke again "Hurry you must wake up to protect those who are weak, those who aren't able to protect themselves and others... protect the innocents... it's in our nature to now protect the innocents, those who are weaker, who are unaware of demons" Tanjiro said and soon both Tanjiro and their father Tanjuro vanished in seconds

Nezuko soon realized what her father meant by "there is something you must cut" as her eyes widened in shock and horror... she closed her eyes as she grabbed the hilt of her sword and pulled her sword out of it's sheath as she kneel onto one knee as she placed the sword next to her own neck, Nezuko reassured herself that it's to protect the innocents, those who are weaker than her, those who are unaware of demons, those who are unable to protect themselves as she inhaled and exhaled and soon cut her neck which immediately woke her up as in the real world she sat up straight and held onto her own neck as she felt the pain as she started breathing heavily then she remembered

She quickly looked around for Tanjiro and soon she sighed in relief as she soon saw Tanjiro, Tanjiro hugged Nezuko as she hugged back but it's no time for relaxing as she immediately got up after they let go of the hug and soon she realized the ropes and was about to cut them until something told her it wasn't a good idea, she didn't know what to do until Nezuko thought about when Tanjiro used his demon blood art "Onii-Chan! Can you burn the ropes please!" Nezuko asked her older brother as he nodded in respond

Tanjiro clawed at his own hand and bleed as he burned all the ropes and soon Nezuko realized someone was awake, a male seems to be lost focus as he seemed upset but happy still, when Nezuko woke up soon after the realm where Nezuko's spiritual core hid started to crumble as Nezuko woke up but the male held onto one of the small light pink blob person and now it was in his own realm or whatever-

But Nezuko couldn't stay there standing for long because a demon was still there after all, Nezuko can't wait longer as she had to kill the demon fast and soon she got on top of the train and saw the demon but realized he was apart of the 12 Kizuki or the 12 demon moons

Lowermoon 1

Nezuko saw the his left eye which had the kanji for "lower 1" as Nezuko grabbed the hilt of her sword and pulled it out of it's sheath as she got ready to fight as Emmu or more known as lowermoon 1 smiled as he was just gonna send Nezuko back to sleep simple right? Wrong As Nezuko woke up quickly which surprised Emmu

Nezuko tried to get close enough to Emmu so she could cut off his head but failed multiple times but little did Nezuko know was she was wasting time

Flower breathing
Fourth form: Crimson Hanagoromo

Flowers started to appear on Nezuko's sword as she ran towards Emmu ready to slice his head off but she was sent back to sleep... this time it was a nightmare instead of a dream... after a bit she woke up in rage "HOW DARE YOU" Nezuko shouted in rage and she ran towards Emmu once more and soon after a bit of fighting Emmu's head was cut off

Nezuko thought it was over until she heard Emmu's voice as her eyes widened in pure shock while she quickly turned around to look at Emmu who was now connected to the train or whatever

Nezuko soon realized what could happen if emmu is now connected to the train as she quickly got up and ran towards Inosuke as he broke thru the ceiling from inside the train cart thingy as she soon pulled Inosuke away which Inosuke screamed angrily about as he wanted to fight the demon and soon Nezuko got annoyed and told him that he will since the demon's body is now connected to the train

Nezuko,Tanjiro,Kanao,Inosuke,Zenitsu wnd Rengoku are now awake as they started to destory or cut the flesh tentacle thingy whatever it is-

Nezuko and Inosuke went to find the demon, Zenitsu was still asleep but still helped with keeping the passengers save,Tanjiro used his claws to cut the tentacle thingy while stomping on the ones that are on the ground, Kanao helping Tanjiro keep the passengers safe and Rengoku took care of like 5(?) of the train cart thingy

The words "Protect those innocents,protect those weaker than you,protect those who don't know the existence of demons" keep repeating in Nezuko and Tanjiro's mind, Nezuko didn't understand why it kept repeating but didn't mind as Tanjiro was just confused but ignore it repeating



MOTIVATION WENT YEET- but seriously where tf did I get the motivation to practice full body tweening at the moment yet I don't have motivation for almost anything else including this story

Don't mind the Image above- I thought it is very cute and decided to add it there

Okay but I keep getting reminded of puppet from fnaf when writing this chapter-

Anyways Sayonara:D

Anyways Sayonara:D

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