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"Onii-Chan! Protect Kazumi and the female!" Nezuko said as Tanjiro jumped back and looked around for any demons who would try and hurt Kazumi and Tokie

The demon with two horns was even angrier as he dashed towards Nezuko and was about to hit her a sword cut off his arm as the demon fell back a bit as he looked at his arm

Kanao cut off the demon's arm as she didn't want Nezuko to die and soon dash towards the demon to try and cut off the demons head and almost did but the demon fell back into his swamp

Kanao was indeed mad but kept a smile with no sign of anger on her face as Kanao backed up and stood beside Nezuko

Tanjiro smelled a demon somewhat behind him as he quickly turned around and dashed towards the swamp demon and punched him but another demon took the chance to use his claw-like nails to hurt Tanjiro

Tanjiro stepped back a bit and took a moment to heal as he looked at the two demons with anger

Of course Nezuko told Kanao to kill the demon with three horns as the demon who tried to attack her before a demon with three horns and of course Kanao looked around for the demon as Nezuko went to help her older brother

The two demons dashed towards Tanjiro and Nezuko as they got their claw-like nails out as Nezuko cut their arm off as Tanjiro punched arm the opposite way to Kazumi and Tokie as Tanjiro ran over to Kazumi and Tokie as he got ready to protect Kazumi and Tokie this time

It was quick as Kanao easily cut off the head of the demon with three horns and helped Tanjiro and Nezuko kill the other two demons as Tanjiro just protected Kazumi and Tokie

And of course Kazumi knew the moment that he saw his fiancé's hairpiece (or whatever I'm too lazy to do research) that she was dead

Of course Kazumi couldn't get over his fiancé's death as Tanjiro put on his straw hat and left with Kanao and Nezuko

Kanao's crow came this time and landed on Kanao's arm and said "Caw caw! You have another mission! Go to Asakusa in Tokyo!"

"rumors say a demon is hiding there" the crow said as they started walking towards where Asakusa was as they didn't question why they were already on another mission

Of course they arrived there but they took breaks as they were a bit tired but not too much since it was only like almost a day without sleep but they would be fine(Unlike me)

after some time they arrived at Asakusa in Tokyo as they wondered around for a bit and ran around the place to find somewhere to relax while Kanao kept her usual smile and kept calm

Soon they found the place to relax as they ordered some food as Kanao used her coin to see if she should order some food and Idk why don't ask me

Tanjiro was tired as he lends his head onto his younger sister's shoulder as his straw hat was down when it turned night

Nezuko pat her older brother and soon both Nezuko and Kanao got their food as they soon started eating

After some time Tanjiro smelled someone and clung onto his younger sister's arm in horror and scared

"Onii-Chan?" Nezuko looked at her older brother in confusion

Tanjiro got up and started dragging his younger sister as she dropped the bowl as Kanao got up and place down the bowl to go after Tanjiro and Nezuko

Tanjiro was dragging Nezuko towards someone as Nezuko got even more confused

"Onii-Chan?!" Nezuko said as she tried to keep up with her older brother as Kanao was behind

And soon Tanjiro reached someone as he pulled his younger sister in front of him as he was terrified

He pull on his straw hat as Nezuko called for the person her brother brought her to as the person turned around to look at Nezuko,Tanjiro and Kanao

"Yes?" The male said as Nezuko was confused on why Tanjiro brought her to him until she realized

"Onii-Chan... is he... Muzan Kibutsuji?" Nezuko asked as she whispered to her older brother as he nodded while also shivering in fear

Soon Nezuko became mad and was about to pull her sword out until she heard someone... a little girl

"Daddy? Who's that girl and that boy?" A little girl said as she looked at Nezuko and Tanjiro

"I don't know" Muzan said as he turned around

Nezuko was in shock and became even angrier

"He-He's pretending to be a human?!" Nezuko thought as her older brother cling onto her arm in even more horror and fear

Kanao went beside Nezuko and was confused for a bit

"Is there something you need-?" Muzan asked with a smile

"Dear? Is something wrong?" A female said as a female turned around to look at Kanao,Nezuko and Tanjiro in confusion

"Mommy!" The little girl said as she looked at her mother

Nezuko was in complete shock as she saw the female and the little girl

"Dear do you know these three?" The female asked in confusion at the three

"No I don't, I don't know them at all" Muzan said

Nezuko was in complete shock as she didn't even move or talk as her eyes widen in shock when Muzan clawed at a male's neck and was slowly turning into a demon

The male stopped walking and was slowly turning into a demon

"Honey-?.... What's wrong" a female called for the male who was turning into a demon as the male looked up and went to bite the female on the shoulder as the female screamed in pain

Nezuko passed Muzan and the female as tried to stop the now turned demon but it was too late

"Onii-Chan!" Nezuko called for her older brother to help her as the older brother came and tackled the male trying to get him off the female as Nezuko went to the female

Tanjiro's straw hat fell off as Muzan saw his earrings

"Those earrings" Muzan thought and became angry but showed no anger but he was angry

The male let go of the female as he struggled to get Tanjiro off him as Tanjiro had his scarf and put it in the demon's mouth before it could hurt any more people

Muzan started walking away with his so-called family and of course after some time the police came and tried to get Tanjiro off the male and Nezuko off the female

"No! Stop it!" Nezuko said as she tried to stop the police and kept the female near

Soon some flower patterns came and blocked the police from getting to Tanjiro and Nezuko

Kanao saw this and went to Nezuko and Tanjiro before anything else happened

Soon a female and male came to Tanjiro,Nezuko and Kanao



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