ᴄʜᴘ 17🌷

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movie spoilers kinda- I just changed a few things and that's it since Kanao is there

3ʀᴅ ᴘᴏᴠ

While in the real world at the moment, the two males and females were tied some short ropes to Zenitsu,Rengoku,Nezuko and Kanao why not Inosuke and Tanjiiro Well there's only 4 of them and none of them wanted to go into Inosuke's dream as they think he is weird very weird, Tanjiro was also left alone cuz- Idk if it effects demons or not- so Imma just leave him alone

"Do we tie ourselves to them by the wrist?" The other female asked as the female with the dark-ish green kimono and dark blue obi turned her head to look at the other female "that's right, don't forget what he warned us about" the female said

They soon tied the ropes as they all got ready "take a deep, slow breath... while you count, do that and you will fall asleep" one of the male said as he pulled his hand closer to his chest as he closed his eyes

"One... Two... Three..." the male started counting in his mind as it soon slowed down "Four... Five... Six..." soon the counting stopped as the male entered Nezuko's dream

Back in Nezuko's dream Shigeru and Hanako were telling the others about Nezuko bursting into tears "And then we were surprised because Nezuko suddenly burst into tears" one of them said, "What a weirdo!" Takeo said then Takeo laughed

"Oh my, you must be exhausted" Nezuko's mother Kie said as Nezuko turned her head to look at her mother "it's not such a big deal okay? I'm fine" Nezuko told her mother but Kie seem to be more worried as she gently place her hands on Nezuko's cheeks "you don't have a fever do you?" Kie asked, "Take it easy and get some rest today or Tanjiro wouldn't like that you overworked yourself because of him" Kie said but Nezuko just smiled "I'm alright mother, there's no need to worry so much" Nezuko told her mother, "are you sure?" Kie asked in bit of worries for Nezuko

Shigeru smiled as he got up and grabbed a towel (I think-) and ran over to Nezuko "Hey! You come back here!" Hanako said as Shigeru ran behind Nezuko and covered her head with the towel "Gotcha!" Shigeru said with a smile

"What do you think you're doing?" Hanako said as she seems mad "Hey! You stop that right now!" Hanako said as Nezuko looked at her mother who just had a closed eye smile and soon Nezuko smiled as well

It seems it was the next day as Nezuko had a basket of charcoal on her back ready to sell charcoal for her older brother again as Shigeru ran to hug Nezuko and soon they all started laughing in happiness and joy

Zenitsu's dream is just about love or something like that- I'm lazy -v-

Kanao's dream was about Shinobu and Kanae and the others at the butterfly estate, it was them having fun but at first Kanao was shocked to see Kanae but soon enough it seems she forgotten

Rengoku's dream was at first him reporting to his father that he became a Hashira but it seems his father didn't care as he thought he would quit sooner or later, Rengokue soon left the room then saw his younger brother

The female with a dark-ish green Kimono and a dark blue Obi sat down on the floor and soon entered rengoku's dream

Senjuro was swing a wooden sword in like a bit of a rush Ig "There's no need to swing in such a hurry, relax your shoulders" Rengoku said as Senjuro stopped for a bit then continued to swing the wooden sword "Like this?" He said, "That's right" Rengoku said as Senjuro kept swinging the wooden sword

The female trying to keep as hidden as possible "Close call, He's right there" the female said as she saw Rengoku and Senjuro a second ago

The female got up and left household Ig-? "I have to make sure he doesn't see me!" The female said then she looks left to right and ran to one of the direction "I have to hurry to the edge of the dream!" The female said as she ran to find the edge of the dream "Hurry!" The female told herself in her mind as she ran

Maybe someday... {Kanao x Nezuko}Where stories live. Discover now