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The demon soon fell asleep as Tanjiro let go of the male and ran to his sister as he smelled that the female and male that came was a demon

So Tanjiro went in front of his sister and was ready to protect her

"We mean no harm to you or your sister and friend" the female spoke

Kanao went beside Tanjiro and was ready to defend Nezuko if the female or male even dare try to hurt her

Tanjiro stared at the female and the male not daring to let his guard down

The female sighed as she started talking again

"Yes indeed I am a demon but I am also a doctor" the female spoke again

"I too wish to see the day that Kibutsuji be killed" the female said as Tanjiro,Kanao and Nezuko was shocked from what they heard

The female walked over to Tanjiro,Kanao and Nezuko

While with Muzan and so-called family

The wife was holding the little girl as Muzan was saying goodbye to them

When the wife and daughter left, Muzan walked towards an Alleyway and soon someone dumped into him

"Owww... What's your problem?!" A drunk male said

"My apologies" Muzan said than kept walking

But the drunk male wasn't happy and grabbed him on the shoulder

"Hey wait!" The drunk male said not knowing the danger he is getting himself in

"Excuse me but I'm in a hurry" Muzan said as he was about to keep walking then the drunk male said something Muzan didn't like

"Hey, hey! Those are some fancy duds you're wearing and I don't like it!" The drunk male said and continued to speak

"And with that pale face of yours, you look half-dead!" The drunk male said which upset Muzan

Muzan used his hand to smash the drunk male into the wall which of course killed the drunk male instantly

A female ran over to the now-dead male as a taller male who's bald came up to Muzan and said

"Hey! What are you doing to my little brother!" The male said in anger

The female soon spoke

"Ya-Chan isn't breathing! He's dead!" The female spoke in horror

Muzan kick the older male into the sky and landed on the ground hard and killing the older male

And soon Muzan was in front of the female

"Does my complexion look poor to you?" Muzan asked the female

"Is my face pale?"

"Do I look sickly?"

"Do I look like I'm dying?"

"Does it seem like I don't have long to live?"

Muzan said as the female was in horror and fear

"Oh No no no!" The female spoke in horror and fear

"I am an entirely different creature" muzan said as he put a finger to the female's forehead

Muzan pierced through the female's forehead and injected the female with blood

"Do you know what will happen if I give you a large amount of my blood?" Muzan said

Maybe someday... {Kanao x Nezuko}Where stories live. Discover now