Chp 25🌷

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3rd pov

Kanao spin her own body around with her sword as she continued onward towards the demon as she swung her sword again actually hitting the demon this time as she quickly jumped back as the demon attempted to slash at Kanao, Nezuko ran forward as she quickly cut off the demon's head before it could jump back avoiding Nezuko's sword

"That's done now- come on Kanao let's go back to the butterfly estate" Nezuko said as Kanao only nodded before running towards the direction of the butterfly estate with Nezuko running beside her


Tanjiro was helping Aoi take care of the butterfly estate while most demon slayers at the butterfly estate were afraid of Tanjiro because they were still healing so their wounds would only get worse if they tried to kill Tanjiro and because Tanjiro is a demon but some demon slayers actually tried to kill Tanjiro since basically every demon slayer in the demon slayer corps except Nezuko,Aoi,Kanao,Zenitsu,Inosuke and the Hashiras doesn't know about Tanjiro

So when Demon slayers try to kill Tanjiro he would run to go find Aoi before the demon slayer kills them which he always succeeded in avoiding death

Tanjiro was wandering the halls of the butterfly estate not knowing what to do because he doesn't have any chores he could help with or duties really so he just walked down the halls to try to think of something to do "Tanjiro! I need help please" Tanjiro heard Aoi half shouted from the kitchen so he quickly ran over to the kitchen

"Hm?" Tanjiro muzzled out as he walked in the kitchen to see quite a mess "Tanjiro please help me cook especially since there's a lot of injured demon slayer here now" Aoi said as she dusted herself from the flour as Tanjiro only nodded in which Aot took it as he will help since Tanjiro walked towards the kitchen counter

Tanjiro saw a book on the counter and only questioned it was for the three younger girls that were helping in the butterfly estate as he went to see what they were cooking since he just came

Tanjiro saw a recipe for cupcakes and other food like cookies, cakes and ect, he only guessed it was for something but he didn't know what and it also explained why the kitchen was so messy, it was covered in flour and dough

What was Zenitsu and Inosuke doing anyways? Tanjiro was to busy to check on them most of the time and if he did have time he would forget to check on them then he heard footsteps down the halls but he choose to ignore it as he helped Aoi cook, then the footsteps became louder as he then heard a faint "Nezuuko-chaaan~~" from zenitsu "Onii-chan! Where are you?!" Nezuko's voice could be heard from the kitchen as Tanjiro looked at Aoi who sighed in annoyance

"Go before Nezuko loses her mind because of him" Aoi said as Tanjiro nodded before going into the halls and running around to find his younger sister which didn't take long "Onii-chan!" Nezuko shouted in relief as she ran before Tanjiro "Nezuuko-chaaan~~" Zenitsu said as he ran after Nezuko but stopped when he saw Tanjiro who was now glaring at him and he would tell zenitsu to leave Nezuko alone if he could

"Onii-chan! Zenitsu wouldn't leave me alone!" Nezuko shouted like she was gonna cry when in reality she wasn't and only sounded like that so Tanjiro could give him a death stare telling him to leave nezuko alone as Zenitsu gulped in fear and ran off "Thanks Onii-chan!" Nezuko said as Tanjiro turned around and gave a closed eye smile before Nezuko hugged him and ran off to go change as Tanjiro just walked back to the kitchen avoiding any sunlight even if he has his straw hat on you can never be to careful when demon slayers are around

"Tanjiro can you help me?" Tanjiro heard Aoi from the kitchen and quickly ran off to go help Aoi


It was a while before Tanjiro couldn't think of anything to help both Kanao and Nezuko realize their feelings for each other, They are literally oblivious to their own feelings for each other! So Tanjiro did one thing and that was ask Aoi for help so he quickly ran off to find them since it was much later after they finish cooking and such

Soon Tanjiro found Aoi and grabbed her by the hand and grabbed him "Tanjiro? Why are you dragging me" Aoi asked but only getting muffled noises in response "Ah- right I forgot you cannot speak, want me to get you a notebook for you to write on?" Aoi asked and that caught Tanjiro's attention as he stopped and looked at Aoi as he quickly nodded "Alright hold on I will go get one for you to write on" Aoi said as she ran off when Tanjiro let go of her hand


Kinda short but motivation lost- also Imma probably take a while to write chapters cuz I have very little motivation currently but I will still update as much as I can

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