ᴄʜᴘ 6🌷

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I will say this before the chapter start, I used the manga to make this because I'm not gonna record many many videos of each episode of demon slayer for the chapters

So I'm sorry if I missed something in the actual anime As most few chapters are somewhat like in the anime until I decide when to just start planning stuff while my memory is horrible so I used the manga to make at least most or some of the chapters

And that's all the chapter may start now

3ʀᴅ ᴘᴏᴠ

Nezuko and Kanao knew Tamayo and Yushiro would be fine as they were demons but Nezuko was still worried for yushiro then another Temari ball was thrown at Nezuko

"Even if I dodged that ball will just follow me!" Nezuko thought

Flower breathing second form: Honorable Shadow Plum was the technique that Nezuko used as she released several rotating sword slashes at the Temari Ball which cut the Temari ball and almost hit Susamaru but she dodged the attack

And soon Yushiro started regenerating his head as Nezuko and Kanao looked away in disgust

"Lady Tamayo! I- Told you didn't I? From the start! I said not to get involved with the demon slayer! My concealment spell Isn't perfect!" Yushiro shouted as he kept regenerating his head

"I can hide a building or the sign of smell of people but there's no way to hide their existence entirely! And the more there are the more traces remains! Raising the possibility of Kibutsuji finding us!" Yushiro continued to say as he kept regenerating as Tamayo kept silence and soon Yushiro regenerated his whole head back

"I hate when anyone interferes with the time you and I spend together! I reall hate it! I will never forgive this!" Yushiro shouted as he got up

"Kya Hah Hah! What are you on about? This is all so much fun!" Susamaru said in a even more happier and playful voice as she took off her haori thing as she grew more arms

"Consider it an honor that I one of the 12 Kizuki will take your life!" Susamaru said as Nezuko was confused

"12 Kizuki?" Nezuko said then Tamayo spoke

"She reports directly to Kibutsuji!" Tamayo shouted

"Let's keep playing until dawn! Until your life ends!" Susamaru shouted in her happy and playful voice as she threw even more Temari balls destorying the room even more as Nezuko and Kanao kept dodging

"If I use a spell here it will get Nezuko and Kanao too and Yushiro needs time to prepare an attack" Tamayo thought as Nezuko and Kanao kept dodging or using her swords to slice the temari balls

"Why does it still cone for me when I cut it?! Yes it loses force but why?!" Nezuko thought as she kept dodging and slicing the temari balls as Kanao is doing the same

"It didn't even hit anything and it changed path?!" Nezuko thought again as she's getting even more confused

Soon some Temari balls went after Tamayo and Yushiro but both Kanao and Nezuko didn't have time to cover them

The temari balls hit Yushiro and Tamayo near the head as Nezuko and Kanao saw and stared in worries

"We will heal! So don't worry about us!" Tamayo said as Yushiro stood up and shouted at Nezuko and Kanao

"Hey! You stupid demon slayers! If you look at the arrows you will know the direction it's going! Avoid the arrows!" Yushiro shouted as both Nezuko and Kanao were confused on what Yushiro meant

"Here I will lend you both my sense of sight! Then you can cut off that women's head! You can do that right?" Yushiro shouted as he now threw two pieces of paper at Nezuko and Kanao's forehead

Maybe someday... {Kanao x Nezuko}Where stories live. Discover now