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Nezuko,Kanao and Zenitsu ran into the house and looked around then a drum was heard and another which separated Nezuko and Kanao from Zenitsu (Poor zenitsu having to go thru the house on his own)

"What the-" Nezuko thought as the room changed after some drums were heard

Kanao hugged Nezuko as the room changed for a bit then stopped so Kanao let go so they ran around from room to room to find the demon

What they didn't know was there was 3 demons in the house as they wondered for a bit then they found a demon as they pulled out their swords from it's sheath

The demon had drums so Nezuko and Kanao figured out quickly he was changing the rooms or so they thought

The demon looked angry as it seem to keep walking

"Why?! Why does everyone keep sneaking through my house? It's so aggravating! It's my prey! It's my prey! Found in my territory!" The demon thought in anger

The demon was named Kyogai and was a lowermoon but was to weak to muzan so he is no longer a lowermoon but a former

Nezuko ran towards Kyogai and was ready to cut off Kyogai's head

"I found children with marechi rare blood but..." Kyogai thought as he hit one of the drums to rotate the room as Nezuko landed and Kanao jumped up and rotated with the room and landed

"The room rotated?! Does that mean the whole mansion is the demon's territory which means... he can control the whole mansion!" Nezuko thought but soon someone came thru quickly and said

"Coming through! Coming through!" The boar head shouted as he came thru breaking the doors

"Is that a boar mask-? And who even is that-" Nezuko thought in confusion until she notices nichirin blades

"Wielding nichirin swords as well" Nezuko thought again

"All right monster! Come die in battle! I want to get stronger and go even higher so you are my stepping stone!" The boar head said as he jumped at Kyogai and tried to cut off his head but Kyogai hit one of his drums as the room rotated again and Nezuko and Kanao rotated with the room but Nezuko was kicked to the floor as the boar head flew towards Nezuko so the boar head used Nezuko to jump up at Kyogai

"KYAAH!" Nezuko shouted as she fell to the floor

Kanao didn't know what to do as she stared in stress as she couldn't decide for herself

"Stop attacking so wildly! The demon has an ability!" Nezuko shouted as she tried to get up

"So aggravating! Incests infecting my house!" Kyogai thought as he hit another drum to rotate the room again

Nezuko couldn't get up before the room rotated so she fell and hit the floor? Wall? Whatever as she groaned in pain

Nezuko wasn't done recovering yet not even close to "GYAH!" Nezuko screamed as the boar head landed on Nezuko's back with one of his foot which made Kanao angry very very angry

Kanao took out her coin and flipped it

Heads, help out Nezuko

Tails, Just push the boar head off Nezuko

And it landed on tails as she quickly put away her coin and dashed towards the boar head at high speed and used some of her strength while pushing the boar head off Nezuko

Nezuko sat up as Kanao helped her sat up While The boar head was laughing like a legit maniac

Soon the boar dashed towards Kanao which took Kanao by surprised but she picked up Nezuko which surprised and her blush a bit but she shook her head as it's not the time to think about nonsense at the moment as Kanao jumped back dodging the boar head's attacks,

Maybe someday... {Kanao x Nezuko}Where stories live. Discover now