1 - So Gardening Tools Are Good Weapons

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— Part One —

A/N: I'm gonna start this story towards the end of the actual game. So when Sunny confronts Basil about what happened to Mari and Basil loses it. Also, not everything is gonna be quite accurate to the game, but it's a fanfiction so deal with it-

TW: Gore and mentions of suicide

Sunny's P.O.V

So... it was me all this time who had killed Mari... I'd spent so long denying it I almost forgot... it was hard to believe I guess...

Maybe because I didn't wanna think of myself as a murder, but who cared about that, I was still a psychopath...

But it wasn't just me who helped in framing Mari's death as suicide. It was Basil. Basil.

Basil was my best friend, or had been, before the mess we got ourselves into...

My mind told me to be mad at him, but I couldn't. He was scared, just like I was. And he was the only one who really tried to understand me despite how little I cared about him. And the only one who was trying to tell me what happened. He was the only one who knew though...

Today was supposed to be my last day in town before I left. Basil hadn't left his room the whole night. Everyone was worried, but up until now I hadn't thought much of it.

Well if he's not coming out, I'm going in...

I didn't want to, but I knew I had to talk about Mari now. Eventually we'd have to tell the others and it started with talking to Basil.

I stood up and made my way over to Basil's room. I took a breath and pushed the door open, trying to stay quiet.

We all agreed to stay here the night and I was doing my best not to wake the others.

I entered my friends room to find him sitting on his bed, his back to me, staring at his photo album whilst he sobbed quietly. He rested one hand against the pages of the album while holding the flower he usually kept in his hair in the other.

"Basil...?" I said softly. Basil sniffed, but offered no response. I stepped further into the room and closed the door behind me.

"Basil we need to talk..." I said. Basil looked up slightly, dragging his fingers across the photos slowly, "W-What's wrong Sunny...?"

"I... know what happened to Mari..." I mumbled. Basil stiffened. "I know what I did..." I said. Basil turned to me. His face was puffy and wet from crying and he looked tired. He's been through enough by now...

"What... you did...?" Basil asked, standing up and walking towards me. I nodded. Basil walked over to stand directly in front of me, "Y-You... didn't do anything..."

"Basil... I appreciate it, but we gotta stop denying it... I'm the one who killed her..." I said, uncomfortable with the shakiness of my voice. It had been so long since I get anything...

"No... you didn't..." Basil said more sternly now. "Basil, please-"

"It wasn't you Sunny..." Basil pressed, stepping even closer and making direct contact.

He's being serious...

"Basil... what're you talking about...?" I asked nervously. More feelings...

"That... that thing killed Mari..." He said bitterly. Not long ago, I'd seen Basil's own "Something". It was much like my own, but larger and it stretched across the room. I knew Basil was a little delusional... I didn't know he really believed what he saw...

"Basil... whatever that thing was... it wasn't real..." I sighed. "Yes it was... I saw it Sunny..." Basil said, clenching his fists. "Basil, it's just in your head..." I said, moving forward slightly. Basil backed off, "N-No..."

"Basil, you have to believe me..." I said, praying he'd listen. Basil continued to back off, "I... know... what I saw..."


"You killed Mari..." He said in a surprisingly menacing voice, only it was directed at me now. "Yes..." I muttered. Basil slid over to a small table beside his bed and wrapped his hands around something, "I don't know what you are... just... please leave us alone..."

He was still addressing this to me. Now I was confused. "Uh... Basil...? What're you talking about...?" I asked. Basil didn't respond, "Go away..."

"Why? What is happening?" I asked, getting worried. Basil stepped towards me again, shaking, "I said leave us alone..."

What is he saying?!




He doesn't see me...

He sees that thing...

"Shoot..." I muttered to myself. "Basil...? Listen ok...? It's Sunny... whatever you see right now, I swear to you, it's in your head... you're safe..." I said softly, stepping forward.

"Just leave me alone!" Basil yelled, drawing his hands back and stabbing down with the thing in his hands. I only realized what it was after it sliced my skin. It was the small pair of gardening shears he used for his flowers.

I yelped, hopping backwards. The blood from the wound gushed like a river.

It... hurts...

"B-Basil!?" I stammered. I hadn't expected him to try attacking. Basil was never one to fight.

He glared at me with a wild look in his watery eyes, "How does it feel?!"

I knew he was talking to the "something" he saw... but he may as well have been talking to me...

I hurt Basil as much as I did myself... maybe I deserved this...

"I'm sorry..." I whispered. I wrapped one hand around the wound, wincing as I touched it. Basil gripped the shears with shaking hands, slowly stepping closer to me. This was the first time I'd felt afraid since the day I ran downstairs after my sister to find her breathing had stopped...

And now I was scared of my best friend...

God what had I done...

We spent a few moments going back and forth, Basil swinging at me with his shears and me throwing weak punches. Unfortunately, for all our screaming, crying and fighting no one walked in to stop us...

Basil let out a blood curdling scream and drive the cutters down again, only now he met a worse mark the my arm...

I screamed in pain as he drove the cutters down into my eye. It hurt worse than any pain I'd ever felt before now...

What hurt worse was when he pulled it back out.

Pretty sure I screamed again, but I have no idea...

I staggered backwards and collapsed.

Guess my friends heard us because next thing I knew, Aubrey, Kel and Hero busted into the room. Basil turned to them and his maniacal expression gave way to fear. He glanced over at me and dropped the shears, "S... Sunny...?"

Aubrey wasted no time in running over to Basil and punching him straight in the face. Basil screeched and covered his eye. The little vision I had begun to dim but I could still hear Basil's screams...

Eventually they stopped and I heard a thud. "Aubrey!!" Hero exclaimed. "Well we can't let him stay conscious and hurt the rest of us!!" Aubrey yelled. "Well either way was that all necessa-"

"Guys! We need to call 911 and tell Polly!" Kel yelled. "Right..." Aubrey muttered.

And then everything by went silent and dark...

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