13- Two Brothers Overhear the Sad Conversation of Two Best Friends

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Hero's P.O.V

"Hey, Hero? You awake?" Kel asked, sometime around six in the morning. "Yeah... pretty much have been the whole night..." I replied.

I tried to sleep. To close my eyes and have a few hours of silence and darkness. Calm. But no, my mind didn't work that way. For the first year after Mari died, I don't even remember getting sleep. I know I got sleep at some point, logically I had to have gotten sleep, but all I really remembered was staring at the ceiling, absently listening to my family as they each tried to comfort me and get me to care about something again. A rather depressing period of my life. But I was ok now and I didn't intend to slip back to the way I was before.

"Do you wanna talk about yesterday...? Just you and me before we talk with Aubrey...?" Kel's voice snapped me back to reality. I sighed and sat up, "I guess... you have thoughts...?"

"Yeah... I really don't think we should blame Sunny for what happened... or Basil, if you guys blame him for anything... it was an accident, they didn't mean to..." Kel said. "I'm aware of that, and although I'm upset that Sunny... shoved her... what I'm really upset about is that both of them kept it from us..." I replied. "Hero, you know full well Basil would've rather endured worlds end torture before he'd say anything that he thought would hurt Sunny and Sunny would've been terrified to tell us what really happened... we all would've..." Kel reasoned.

"More things I know, but that doesn't mean I can just forgive them like that... I need time to think and process..."

Kel nodded a little and looked down, "I guess... I just hoped we could find it in ourselves to forgive him before he moved..."

That thought weighed a little heavy in the room. He had a point, why would Sunny bother coming back to this town now? And if he never came back, it would be pretty hard to let him know we forgave him.

He'd come back for Basil, though, right...?

Neither of us said anything after that. Eventually we both just got up and got ready, avoiding the topic for a while.

We headed downstairs and walked over to the kitchen. Heading down those stairs felt different now...

Everything was just wrong now. And I didn't think they would ever be right again...

How could they be? So much changed in just a few seconds. Not just with the truth being out, but the fact that Mari was gone forever.

I never realized how wrong it felt with all this change until now...

And we can't fix it...

Kel and I sat down to eat in continued silence. It wasn't really uncomfortable silence, but it did feel a bit heavy.

There was a lot more to be said, and we were just sitting there, maybe waiting for the other to say it.

Waiting definitely won't fix it.

We finished eating and I stood up, "Alright, here's the plan."

I couldn't forgive Sunny immediately... but I was willing to try and work up to it.

Aubrey's P.O.V

I guess I fell asleep at some point last night because suddenly there was someone knocking on my door, practically demanding that I open it.

"One second!" I yelled, "Jeez... give me a minute, why don't ya...?"

I stood up from the couch and walked over to the door, opening it to find Hero and Kel. I scowled, "What...?"

"Ok, I know you may not like it, but I want you to come with us back to the hospital." Hero said. I considered slamming the door on them at the mere suggestion of going back there, but I was curious about why, so I asked; "And why exactly do you want me to do that...? And why do you wanna go back there with those two traitors...?"

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