2- Faded Memories Preserved

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Aubrey's P.O.V

Basil collapsed after a moment. He put up little resistance against my attacks.

My attack had been motivated more by fear than actually wanting to hurt Basil. Maybe I wanted to hurt him before... but not now...

"What the heck Aubrey?!" Kel exclaimed. I clenched my fists and stared down blankly at the ground. Kel continued to yell at me, but I didn't listen. I just listened to the pounding of my heart as I stared at little Basil's unconscious form.

I knew I'd done a lot wrong... but I had never cared. I just needed to be away from my old friends. I had felt like they didn't care... felt like they weren't there when I needed them... but when was I there for them...?

"Well?!" Kel yelled, a little louder, so I came back to reality. That's when I lost it...

I turned to Kel, threw my arms around him and began sobbing. "I'm sorry, ok?! I'm sorry!" I yelled. Kel froze, taking a moment before awkwardly hugging me back, "I... accept your apology...?"

"Don't..." I mumbled, "Don't just accept my apology because you feel bad... I did too much wrong for you to accept it..."

"Well... I guess it's not just you..." Kel sighed, "Maybe I messed up by moving on so fast and not helping you all more..."

I looked up at him, "Did... did you, Kel, just admit you were wrong?"

"I don't know why that shocks you, I always admit my faults!" He exclaimed. I laughed a little through my tears, "Sure Kel, suuuure."

We both laughed a little.

It felt kinda nice...

"Not to interrupt you two but uh..." Hero said from behind us. We both looked back to see him gesturing to Sunny, who was currently bleeding out.

"Oh right!" Kel exclaimed, the two of us quickly letting go of each other, "Someone get a towel! Or... something!"

"S... Some... thing..." Basil suddenly muttered, his voice slightly slurred. I looked back at him. He'd shifted slightly and his face was slightly scrunched up.

"Hey..." I said softly, crouching down again and running a hand through my former friends hair, "It's alright... relax... everything is going to be ok..."

"No..." Basil breathed. I frowned. He still seemed unconscious, but it also seemed like he was sleep talking now. And almost responding...

"You have to believe me..." I replied, laying down beside him and screwing my eyes shut, "Please believe me..."

* * *

Basil's P.O.V

I was reliving a memory... of some sort...

I was standing back where I had been the day something pushed Mari down the stairs. Only now I saw it differently...

Sunny and Mari stood at the top of the stairs, yelling at one another about their recital that was supposed to be the next day.

"We've put too much work into this for you to quit now!" Mari yelled. Sunny clenched his fists, his face angry but his eyes filled with tears. "This was your dream Mari! Violin was just a hobby for me! I never wanted this! EVER!" Sunny yelled back.

"Then you should've backed out if you were just gonna give up like this!" Mari snapped.

I was at the bottom of the stairs trying not to cry myself. Mari and Sunny were always really close... I hated to see them fight...

"I'm not giving up..." Sunny said bitterly. "Then what are you doing, huh?! Because it looks like giving up to me!" Mari shot back. Sunny didn't reply, just screwed his eyes shut as the tears finally fell.

"Well Sunny?! What is it that you're doing here?!" She pressed. "Leave me ALONE!" Sunny screamed, shoving Mari away from him.

Mari stumbled back.

Too far back...

Her foot slipped over the edge of the stairs and she began to fall. She screamed for only a second, but it was cut short when her head hit the railing.

I shrieked in horror, stepping away from the staircase just as Mari hit the floor with a sickening thud.

"MARI?!" Sunny shrieked, sprinting down the stairs after his sister. He ran over to her limp body and cradled her against his body.

"C'mon... come on, come on, come on... it's ok... everything is gonna be ok... Mari... p-please..." He begged in a shaky voice.

"Come on... breathe Mari, breathe!" He yelled now. I felt my heart drop, the same way it had when I was twelve, watching this unfold.

Sunny looked up at me, his teary eyes filled with pure terror, "B-Basil..."

The memory began to fade to black and silence. S-So... Sunny... did... he did do that...?

No... Sunny wouldn't do that...

But even in that memory... h-he didn't mean to...

The world around me slowly came back, only now Sunny and I were sitting in his room. I knew this memory... it was a day after Mari's funeral... Sunny had hardly left his room, let alone his house in the days before. I visited him everyday, but it never seemed to help...

We both sat there, sobbing uncontrollably into each others arms.

"Basil what have I done...?" Sunny whispered. "N-Nothing... you didn't mean it..." I mumbled. "But... I still killed her..." Sunny replied. "No..." I mumbled to myself, blinking a few times and turning my gaze to the thing on the wall... something...

"It did..."

The memory faded again and what came back into vision was the day Aubrey stole my photo album.

I didn't know why she took it...

She'd asked me if she could hang out at my house and study. I was still on edge after... Mari's incident... and I didn't want her to... I was afraid I'd say something and I was still trying to protect Sunny, but I reluctantly agreed, not wanting to be alone.

We reached my home and began talking to me, trying to start a conversation. It quickly became too much for my frightened mind and I used the "I have to go to the bathroom" excuse to escape. I'd been using that a lot lately...

Every time I saw it... I ran away and hid there...

When I finally came out of the bathroom, Aubrey was in front of the door, angrily clutching my photo album. "So you just tried to blur out all our memories?!" She exclaimed furiously. "Wh-What...?" I asked shakily. She opened the album to show me the blacked out faces of our friends in the photos.

"What... my photos!" I exclaimed in horror. Aubrey slammed the album shut, "Basil, you did that!"

"N-No! I didn't... it was... that... thing..." I muttered with a shudder. Aubrey let out a frustrated noise, "You're crazy Basil..." She pulled the album to her chest and began to leave. "Wh-Where are you going?!" I cried. "Away from here!" Aubrey snapped. "Wait!" I yelled, "That's m-my album!"

"Clearly it's not safe with you...." Aubrey growled, storming off and slamming the door behind her. I collapsed and began sobbing.

"Everything is going to be ok... everything is going to be ok... everything is going to be ok... everything... is going to be..."

The upsetting memory faded away and I was left in the dark now.

What was the point of seeing all that...? I thought miserably.

"Because like Sunny, you need to know the truth too..." A voice said. I turned to look behind me and there it was...

My something...

A/N: Sorry Bas, everything is not going to be ok :'D

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