3- Welcome to White Space Sunny

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Hero's P.O.V

It didn't take long for the ambulance to get here after Kel and Aubrey kicked back into the real world.

Kel got Polly, Aubrey called 911 and I managed to find a towel to try and stop Sunny's bleeding. Did it stop? Heck no... but he was alive, that's what mattered.

Aubrey hopped in the back of the ambulance without asking anyone, and when no one stopped her she motioned for us all to follow her. And of course we did.

We sat down and went completely silent as we watched the doctors help our friends. I guess this was the first time I really realized how bad this had all become... when Mari... passed away... it impacted all of us. We all broke in different ways. I knew things were bad, especially had been the past few days, but now it all truly occurred to me...

"Polly...?" Aubrey suddenly spoke, looking over at Basil's caretaker. Polly returned the look, "Yes...?"

"Did Basil ever talk about... hallucinating...?" She asked hesitantly. All three of us tilted our heads. "No? Why?" Polly asked. Aubrey hesitantly pulled something out of the pocket of her jean skirt. "Well... before the ambulance came... I noticed his photo album on his bed and started looking through them... they abruptly stopped four years ago after... yeah... but I flipped through anyway and found these in the back..." She explained, opening her hand to reveal some photos, "The only writing beside all of them was 'Something behind you'..."

We all looked at the photos. They were random pictures of a dark hallway in his house with a strange figure shakily sketched over it. It kinda looked like an ink splatter with a single eye and large teeth filled mouth in the middle.

"What... is that..." Kel asked. "I think... he sees that..." Aubrey replied. Polly grabbed one of the photos and stared at it blankly. "All this time... I just wish he'd told me..." She said sadly. "Wait a second..." I mumbled, half to myself, taking one of the photos. I turned to look at Sunny and then held up the photo, "It's the same eye..."

"So... do you think... Basil thought he was attacking that...?" Kel asked. I nodded. "That would make sense... I really wouldn't be able to understand why Basil would consciously hurt Sunny..." Aubrey added.

"But why wouldn't Basil just talk to us?" Kel asked. "Why would he...?" Aubrey answered. We all went silent.

Sadly... she had a point...

Sunny's P.O.V

"Well this is odd..." I mumbled to myself as I awoke into White Space. Normally I woke up there as my dream-self, Omori, but from what I could tell right now, I was still real world me.

Was I confused? Most definitely. But I knew in the real world I was unconscious and I knew what had happened... couldn't just wake up here...

Plus at least here I still had my eye.

I started walking, making my way over to the little "room" I had in White Space. Not sure why I hadn't woken up there in the first place, but then again, a lot was already different here.

I reached the "room" to find... myself? Omori...?

Yep, sure enough, dream me was standing there, giving me the same blank stare we both had.


This is... weird...

I wasn't really sure what to do or say, so I slowly made my way over to the black lightbulb hanging from somewhere above me.

Still pitch black... I could still see nothing through it...

I curled my fists. Something about that ticked me off...

I reached up and grabbed it, taking it off the string it hung from. I stared at it for a second before letting go and letting it fall to the ground.

For a moment the world around me went dark and I couldn't see a thing.

Pitch black.

A few seconds later the light of White Space seemed to come back on its own as everything around me came back into view.

I turned to Omori, who was now staring back at me.

"..." He still said nothing. "What do you want...?" I asked. Omori continued to blankly stare at me. "Well?!" I asked, a little angrier.

"What do you want?" Omori suddenly asked, stepping forward slightly. I was a little shocked by the question. "What do you mean...?"

"You made this world for a reason didn't you?" Omori asked. "I... yeah I guess... I needed an escape..." I replied. "Escape from your friends and what you did to Mari, right?" Omori pressed. "Yes, why are you asking me this...?"

Omori stepped forward again until he was right in front of me and made a gesture to the single white door, standing on its own. "What happens every time we go through that door?" He asked.

"Um... we end up on some crazy adventure with the Dream versions of my friends?" I replied, sounding more like a question. Omori gave me a look as though waiting for something. When I didn't speak, he did, "Our friends. If you wanted to avoid them, why did you put them in Headspace?"

"..." Now it was my turn to provide no answer. "What did you really want from this world Sunny?" Omori pressed.






"I don't know..." I finally mumbled, "I thought it was an escape..."

Omori shrugged, "Maybe it was at some point. But you kept us surrounded by our friends while you pushed the real ones away."

"Then maybe it was because I wanted to pretend like everything was fine... like everything was ok... not just deny what I'd done, but deny that any time had passed at all... not to deny my past but-"

"To live in it." Omori finished. I nodded, "Yeah... I guess..."

I sighed and sat down, pulling my knees to my chest. Omori say down beside me and did the same, setting his knife down between us. "Why are you here...? Why am I not you...?" I asked. Omori shrugged, "I'm not actually sure."

"Maybe I'm not coming back here..." I mumbled, half to myself. Omori looked over at me, "What...?"

"Well... technically I was supposed to be moving away today... I'm guessing when I get better I'll be moving... and with that moving away from this little land of memories... and now that I know what happened to Mari... what I did... I don't think I wanna keep living in the past..." I sighed. Omori shook his head, "No... you can't just leave and move on with you life... I exist too, here... you can't abandon that..."

"Omori, I have to move on at some point..." I said. "Well it's not gonna be today..." Omori snapped, grabbing his knife and standing up. I stood up as well and faced my other self.

"Not if I have anything to say about it..." Omori growled, his eyes flashing.

He pulled his knife hand across his body and flicked it down in a slicing motion.

"Welcome to White Space to Sunny..."

A/N: So Basil's confronting Something in his unconscious mind, the others just figured out that Something exists and Sunny's bouta fight himself in the world he created-

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