12- No Sleep Tonight

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Kel's P.O.V

It was around 3:30 at night now. Today (err, yesterday now, I guess) had sucked on every level.

Knowing what happened to Mari now... it was all so shocking. I couldn't believe that Sunny would do that and that he'd drag Basil into that horrible situation, simply because he was there.

But even despite that, I couldn't be mad at Sunny. I'd spent almost all my time the past three days hanging out with him, and I'd seen the way he was.

He was never that social when we were younger, but he'd been so much more alive then. And 1,000 times more social. He almost never said a word the last few days. The most I'd heard from him was when he was crying at the hospital.

He seemed so broken and alone, even if he wouldn't show it. Kinda like Basil, but much better at hiding it.

Oh Basil...

Maybe I should've been there for him... instead of just moving on with life and making new friends after the incident, maybe I should've just worked on keeping my old friends happy and safe.

Instead I let it get to this point. It took me four years to go knock on Sunny's door, and I only did it because I saw he was moving. I deliberately let Aubrey bully Basil and did nothing about it. I'd seen it happen, but I never said a word. Maybe I hadn't paid enough attention to care until those past three days but it wasn't an excuse...

I couldn't even seem to make my parents as proud of me as they were of Hero, no matter how hard I tried.

I sighed, flipping onto my side.

I had so much to think about. So little made sense anymore. I wanted the others to forgive Sunny for what had happened, as well as Basil for anything they may hold against him, but I also wanted to understand it better. How could all that happen...? I knew it was an accident and all but just... how? And why us? Sunny loved Mari, he'd never do it on purpose. But seriously, how could the universe actually allow this to happen?

And why did Basil go along with this? How was he even able? The Basil I knew once passed out at the sight of his own blood when he gashed his knee.

Then again, I just saw him standing over Sunny, bloody gardening shears in hand.

So much was different. It all changed right in front of my eyes, but I was too focused on something else in the picture to notice the main detail.

I eventually closed my eyes, hoping sleep would envelop me and I could forget all this for a few hours.

Aubrey's P.O.V

I'd given up on sleep and was now sitting on the dirty couch, watching Tv. Our Tv was old and didn't work well, but it was still something to do.

No sense sleeping with so much on my mind.

I'd talked with Kel and Hero after we left the hospital.

"Aubrey, you need to calm down..." Kel had said, reaching out to grab my shoulder, but I smacked it away, "Calm down Kel!? Calm down!? Did we not all just hear the same thing!? Sunny murdered Mari and let us believe she killed herself!"


"Save it Kel! He hurt all of us in horrible ways, I'll yell if I want, break something if I want, anything!" I snapped. "He didn't mean to do it! It was an accident, you would've done the same!"

"I never would've lied, and hurt all my friends, and forced my best friend to keep an awful secret because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time!"

"Oh now you feel bad for Basil!? You never cared about him before!"

"Can the both of you shut up!" Hero suddenly yelled. Given that he almost never yelled, we both went silent. "Look, I'm just as upset about all this, but arguing is not helping..."

"Then how else is all this gonna get said, huh...?" I asked, anger still seething in my voice. Hero sighed, "We can talk through this without yelling..."

"I don't wanna talk with her right now..." Kel said, pointing to me. "Well I don't wanna talk with you either!" I shot back.

"Ok, I think we should all head home and cool down for a little. We can talk about... all this... tomorrow, ok?" Hero offered.

Kel and I both nodded, shooting final glares at each other before we both walked separate ways.

I stormed back to my house, slamming the door behind me and going straight up to my room. Mom hardly took any notice of me. Normally they made me just a little bit sad, but I didn't care at that moment.

I threw myself on my bed and screamed into my pillow.

There was so much I wanted to do, and so much I wanted to understand. How could this even happen to us...? And why...?

If only Sunny had talked to us or Mari, then maybe she'd still be here. But Sunny was no good at telling people how he felt, he never told any of us, and definitely didn't talk to us on the day he came back outside.

I wasn't even sure if he talked to Basil about how he felt, and he was always closest with Basil. At least when we were all twelve, he was. I had no idea how either of them felt about each other after four years apart, especially with that horrible secret between them.

Then my resentment towards Basil began to stir again.

Why hadn't he told us? I know he wanted to protect Sunny and all, but for four years...? I know neither of them meant to hurt us, but they did, and badly.

I don't care what Kel says or thinks, or even what Hero says or thinks, there's no forgiving them for the pain they put us through...

I'm not wrong, am I...? To not forgive them...? I mean, who can just forgive people who do horrible things like that...?

Well Kel did. Some little voice responded to my own inner thoughts.

And that was true, Kel seemed to have already forgiven them, or at least wants to forgive them.

How...? How could he manage that...?

I thought everything was getting better, just yesterday, but now I just felt betrayed and alone. Again.

So here I was now, insomnia preventing my sleep. Still feeling the same.

Guess I won't be sleeping tonight...

A/N: So to those of you invested in this story so far, just you wait, because things are about to get a whole lot more interesting.
Also it took me twelve chapters to write a singular day, help-

Oh! And if you all have any feedback on this story please let me know. I want this to be really enjoyable for you all and I want the characters to feel believable if that makes sense.
Just let me know how you're enjoying it and what you think I should improve. Ok, see you guys later!

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