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Hello dear friends! I'm so sorry, this definitely wasn't what you were looking for, but I think I'm going to be discontinuing this story.

To be honest, I don't actually have much of an idea where I'm going with it, a lot of it was sloppily written (in my opinion, you all seemed to really like it), and I just don't have interest, time, or motivation to keep it up.

I have, however, been revisiting Omori stuff, so if I can come up with a decent foundation and idea for a story, I may try a different story, but this one just isn't going how I want.

I'm so glad so many of you enjoyed and supported this story, it was genuinely so exiting to see all the reads and how many people were actively engaging in the storyline. Seriously, thank you. I can't convey over this screen how excited I was to see this story getting recognition.

But, I promise, I will attempt to get back into writing, and hopefully that means I'll attempt to write a new Omori story.

I sincerely apologize to everyone who really enjoyed this story, and I hope you can understand.

Oh, to anyone who was itching to know what was going to happen next... I honestly don't have much of a clue, but what I wanted was for each character to have to go through different rooms in black space to face their specific trauma alone, then regroup to face Mari's death together, head on, before everything returned to normal.

I may try my hand at that type of idea again in a different way if I write another Omori story.

Please don't use that idea, and if you want to base something off it, please credit and tag me. No, seriously, tag me, I wanna read it if you do <3

That's all, hope to see you all again soon <3

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