18- I Never Meant to Hurt You

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Sunny's P.O.V

I thought that staying with Basil would allow me easier sleep, even with that weird photo, but apparently not.

I spent hours staring at the ceiling. Attempting to sleep was futile if I didn't feel tired, and I most certainly didn't. There was too much on my mind to be tired. So much to think about.

I watched the shadows on the ceiling slowly shift as the moon moved throughout the night. It was a vague reminder of Something. It made me a bit uncomfortable, but at the same time, there was something soothing about the thin light from the moon slowly moving across the walls.

Basil had his back turned to me, his breathing slow and steady. I hoped he was asleep. He needed it. I was tired and probably needed it too, but I spent a long time sleeping. I'd be ok.

Eventually I did fall asleep. But I'm pretty sure it was only for about 30 minutes, and it was certainly no good thing...

* * *

I awoke into Black Space again, in that weird place that looked like Faraway, but more sinister.

Shadows moved around me, endless pairs of empty, glowing, white eyes on me. They had all taken on shadowy forms of my friends and people I knew in town. All watching me, heads turning to follow me as I walked.

I swallowed my fear and kept walking. I was here for a reason. All I had to do was find it, then I could wake up.

I kept walking and walking until I reached Basil's house. Or what looked like it, in Black Space terms. And there stood Stranger, the same empty, white eyes as the other residents of the town staring at him, although they seemed to be in more of an angry glower.

"What are you doing here again...?" He snapped. "You didn't bring me here...?" I asked. Stranger scoffed, "I don't control where you go..."

"But don't yo-"

"When I wanted something from you, yes, I forced you here..." Stranger cut me off, "But I assumed you were going to ignore me..."

"I... um..." I didn't really have an answer. Stranger rolled his eyes, "So do you want something, or are you wasting my time?"

"I... don't know...?"

This was odd. Every other time I'd ran into Stranger, he wanted something, or was trying to help me with something. Now he seemed so cold and detached from me. Like I was some awful creature that should've been disgraced to be in his presence.

"... I want you to say something like you normally would..." I eventually would, uncomfortable with Stranger's new approach to me. Stranger laughed, "And waste my breath more? I've spent long enough doing that, you're on your own..."

"Well things just got worse, you can't just leave me!"

"Leave you!? Are you forgetting all the years you left me alone!? The years you spent ignoring the fact that I even existed!? And now you want me to stay!?"

I wasn't sure if he was speaking on behalf of Basil, or himself. I knew he felt the things Basil repressed. He was basically all of Basil's repressed inner thoughts in one person. So either this clarified that Basil was in fact mad at me, or these are Stranger's own feelings.

When I didn't respond, Stranger's burning gaze dropped, "Yeah... thought so..."

"I just... you of all people should've known how scared I was..."

"And I wasn't...?" Now it sounded more like Basil. "I... I know you were... I was just-"

"Save it Sunny, I don't wanna hear it..." Stranger's voice broke, "I don't wanna hear anything... I just want all of this to be over... why can't you move on...? Why can't you just stop hurting me...?"

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