4- Internal Arguments

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Basil's P.O.V

"What truth, I already knew what happened..." I muttered. "You knew the truth you created for yourself, the one you used to deny what Sunny did, some of the things you did." It said. I didn't know my "Something" had a voice but I hate it even more now because of that...

"So what, you're trying to 'help me' by showing me this...? All you've done is make life miserable for me!" I yelled. "I only exist because you made me exist. I'm just a manifestation of your guilt over Mari and a figure that you could use to cover up for yourself what your friend did." It replied.

"No... you're lying..." I insisted, blinking back tears. "No Basil. You're lying to yourself."

"Leave me alone!"

"I can't leave until you accept the truth."

"I kn-"

"You don't know what happened, Basil, your memories just showed you and you refuse to accept it."

"You're just trying to turn me against my friend, you already made me hurt him once!"

"Never would've happened if you just stopped denying it."

"I didn't choose to create you, you just unfortunately exist!"



"So you admit you made me?"


I guess I had just admitted that, hadn't I...?


"Now why did you create me?"

I hesitated. I knew why... I just didn't want to admit that I knew...


"Because... I... needed something to blame... I know what happened, I just spent so long telling myself it wasn't I believed it... you, this manifestation of my guilt, you were real to me..." I said softly, giving up on hiding my tears now, "I just wanted to protect everyone... myself and the others, but especially Sunny... I know it's wrong... I just... I..."

I slowly sank to the ground, or whatever was holding me up as I could really only see blackness around me.

"I'm sorry..."

There seemed to be some sort of moment of clarity as those words left my mouth. A weight lifted of my shoulders and a deep, burning pain inside my chest suddenly gone. I felt... ok. Actually ok. I wasn't sure it would last long, but I relished the few moments I had to feel alright.

Little did I know what was coming. And little did I know the manifestations of my mind were more than that...

Sunny's P.O.V

Well, if I was gonna die in White Space at least I was welcomed...

Never thought I'd see the day where I fought my dream self. Hah, never thought I'd even be here as anyone but my dream self, yet here we are.

Main problem? I already knew Omori was strong... I'd spent a long time here in White Space, as him, gaining more and more experience, fighting smaller foes around the Vast Forest, and bigger foes when Dream Basil went missing, so in other words, strengthening him was probably gonna get me killed...

I was no where near capable enough to succeed... heh... I could try, but I have zero faith things will work out...

I needed a plan, and fast. I wasn't sure if Omori killing me would actually matter in the real world, but there had to be a significance to all this happening, right?

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