20- Fall Asleep Again

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Basil's P.O.V

Close your eyes... just close them for a moment...

Maybe there will be a clarity of mind... a moment to make sense of... something, anything...

But what sense is there to still be found? Is there any? And if so, where can I find it? How does one make sense of something that, up to this point, was a figment of my imagination?

My life has never made sense, I assumed someday, maybe when I was older, things would suddenly just... make sense.

But now I'm sixteen. Soon I'll be seventeen, then eighteen. Eighteen means a fully fledged adult. I don't think two years is enough time for me to figure out the past sixteen...

I've truly seen it all. The nonsensical, impossible sounding things found within this word. Or about as nonsensical and impossible it can get.

Murder happens everyday. But not the way it did Mari.

Murder happens everyday. But I never participated in it until then.

People die every. Single. Day. Perfectly innocent people who deserved to keep on living.

So why is it that I continue to live? I've done the unspeakable, yet the world... hasn't claimed me.


Nothing can make sense...

"-sil... Basil... Basil!" A voice yelled. I jolted from my thoughts to find Aubrey waving her hand in front of my face.

"Ah, uh, sorry..." I stammered. She sighed, "It's fine... but... back to the thing..."

We all turned to look back at "Something".

"So you do all see it..." I concluded, half to myself. The others nodded.

"That doesn't mean it's real though... does it?" Sunny asked. It started off like a statement before he questioned it. "No... it can't be... things like Something don't exist in this world. If it did, you'd still have your eye." I said in an abrupt tone.

Sunny winced, but nodded, "Yeah... you're right..."

"Then how are we all seeing it...?" Aubrey pressed. "Easy." Kel spoke, "All of us are hallucinating. Only logical conclusion."

"We're all hallucinating the same thing...?" Aubrey asked in a tone that clearly suggested Kel was an idiot. Kel gave her a bored look, "Uh, yeah, I mean, both Basil and Sunny saw it together before now, it's not a completely illogical conclusion."

"Which means only one thing..." Sunny sighed, "trauma. Something was made through trauma, and we all have some. Specifically trauma we're holding onto, trauma we have yet to move past."

"And Something was just a representation of that repressed trauma, so-"

"We all have to face our trauma and learn to move past it if we want it to go away." Hero interrupted. I nodded, "Yes..."

"Well hold on a minute!" Aubrey exclaimed, "Didn't we already deal with our trauma? I mean, we know what happened with Mari now, the truth is out, there's no reason to hide, right?"

Normally I was nice, or tried to be, but I had to literally stop myself from commenting how stupid that question was. Did she really think people just moved past the kind of trauma we had that fast?

"That's true." Sunny said, "But knowing the truth - that being that I'm a murderer and Basil helped - is enough to cause trauma in anyone I would think." He turned to face everyone, his usually deadpan eyes now filled with seriousness, "We only moved past a small piece of the real trauma, and I suspect you all have more that you're repressing..."

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