19- I'm Starting to Think Life Really is a Lie

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Sunny's P.O.V

Basil hardly stirred when I woke up. He shifted just a little, curling up tighter under his blanket, but he didn't move or say anything.

I was both disappointed and grateful. I suddenly realized how bad it felt to be alone in moments like this, when nothing made sense and you had every reason to be afraid, but I was also a little afraid to talk to Basil now.

Was he mad at me? Or was it my twisted mind playing out delusions.

This brought my mind back to when I - or really Omori - had stabbed the dream world version of Basil. I hadn't much thought about that after everything else, or any of Basil's deaths in Black Space. The truth was what ended up sticking in my mind. But now I was thinking about that.

My body, Omori's body, betrayed my own wishes. Basil struggled in the grip of the red hands, begging me not to help him. To end the pain he was in. My mind screamed at Omori to let him go. To hug him and reassure him that things were going to be alright. Omori didn't want that. He kept walking forward and without a moment of hesitation, drove his knife straight through his best friends body.

Basil barely made a sound, just stared at Omori with a shocked and betrayed expression. I wanted to vomit, but Omori no longer cared, walking over Basil's body and seating himself on that throne of hands.

It all seemed so wrong. I didn't understand it. I kind of wondered now if it was my subconscious forcing me and Omori to kill the dream world Basil so I could focus on the real one. Omori had never hated Basil, so he had no reason to start to. However, the more likely story, was that Omori was still trying to keep me from the truth. Killing Basil, the only other person to know the truth, was just part of that. If Basil was gone, who could tell me? That person ended up being Stranger, so if that was Omori's plan, it didn't work.

Regardless, it was still something that didn't feel right. That my mind had to end Basil's life to keep the truth away. To keep something I caused away from me.

That's a little disturbing...

My mind was certainly a twisted place to spend time in. I should know, as I spent four whole years in it.

I glanced over at my friend. He seemed to be sleeping peacefully. I wonder what he dreamed about, if anything. What world did he find himself in whenever he slept?

I only thought about this for a few moments before deciding that maybe I didn't want to know. Just like I was sure Basil wouldn't want to know all that went on in my mind. Actually, I was 100% sure of that.

It's fine... it'll be fine... just close your eyes and try to go back to sleep...

Sleep continued to elude me however. And it would continue to do so for the next several nights, only for a very, very different reason.

* * *

Basil's P.O.V

I didn't get a lot of sleep. Only a short, maybe fifteen minute segment. The rest of the night was spent watching the shadows shift across my walls and freaking out every time one moved a little too fast.

As soon as the clock hit six, I got up, left my room, trying to be quiet so as not to disturb Sunny, and walked out to the living room.

I plopped down on the couch and turned the Tv on, mindlessly scrolling through channels, searching for something to watch.

This was what I did in the morning. It distracted my mind from worry as I immersed myself in a whole new world. Sometimes it helped me get sleep. Today it didn't, but it was nice to dive into a world that didn't contain all my problems. Even if only for a little while.

By just about the end of the movie, a tired pair of footsteps suddenly sounded through the hallway leading to my room, and into the living room emerged a very sleep deprived Sunny.

He glanced at me, then down at the floor, then awkwardly to the window in the kitchen.

"Uhm, good morning Sunny.." I muttered, Sunny's awkward reaction reflecting in my voice. Sunny glanced back over and waved a little.

"You ok?" I asked. He hesitated before nodding, "I guess... just nightmares that make me question things I should know..."

"Like what? I-If you don't wanna talk about it, that's fine, I just... we promised no more secrets..." I said awkwardly. Sunny shifted, "Y-Yeah, I know. And I'm not keeping secrets I uh... well..." He sighed and walked over to me, "I want you to be honest with me ok...?"

"O-Ok, what's going on?"

"Basil are you mad at me for what happened to Mari...? For what I put you and everyone through these past four years..."

That took me a little by surprise. Did I seem mad at him? Or was it just his mind telling him I was? I wasn't mad at Sunny, I had no reason to be! He went through enough.

Are you sure? A small, mocking voice asked.

Yes... I said to it. My voice in my head was a lot more confident than my voice out loud.

"Basil...?" Sunny asked nervously. "O-Oh! No, of course I'm not mad at you! Why would I be?"

"It's just th-"

Before he could answer, there was an obnoxious pound at the door followed by two voices going back and forth.

Wasn't hard to guess who that was.

Sunny and I both walked to the door, opening it to find Aubrey and Kel. Their expressions were a mixture of fear and annoyance. Weird combo.

"Oh thank god you're awake!" Aubrey exclaimed as soon as she saw us, dropping her argument with Kel.

"We need you guys to come with us." Kel said, his voice shockingly serious. "Uh, w-why?" I asked.

"You'll see... but I don't think you'll like it..." Aubrey replied. Sunny gave me a nervous look, one that asked my exact thoughts. Something...?

* * *

Sunny and I got ready about as fast as possible, I left a quick not for Polly to say where we'd gone, and we left.

Aubrey and Kel were saying something to try preparing us for whatever we were about to see, but I wasn't listening. My mind was on other things, and my heart was pounding so loud I wouldn't have been able to hear them if I wanted to.

We walked down the block to Kel's house, entering to find Hero with a shockingly relieved look, "Oh thank goodness you two are here!"

That took Sunny and I by surprise.

"We found something... is it still there?" Aubrey asked Hero. He nodded, "Yeah..."

Sunny's gaze was trained to the floor. His gaze reflected... something I hadn't seen before from him. I didn't really know what to describe it as.

He started walking, not waiting for Kel, Aubrey and Hero to explain further.

"Sunny?" I called, following after him. The others did the same, all of us confused.

He walked until we were all standing in the bathroom, staring at a very familiar... "Something"...

It's black "body" and singular white eye glaring down at us, in an almost mocking way.

"That looks like your photos..." Aubrey muttered. For a moment I was too stunned to speak, until Sunny turned around to face us. My mind kicked back in and I turned with him.

In unison, we both asked a painfully familiar question, "You can see it too, can't you?"

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