14- I'll Hear You Out

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TW: I think you should know by now. Suicide, death, but now there's also panic attacks/mental disorders. If you're still here, I'm guessing this doesn't bother you.

Basil's P.O.V

Sunny acceptance that things might never be ok again... brought up a lot of feelings. I had never been one to accept bad things. Bad things constantly would happen to me, but I'd refuse to ever admit I wasn't ok.

Sunny was the only person I'd truly talk to when I was hurting. Something about being alone with Sunny was just enough for me to realize, only for maybe five minutes, that I wasn't as ok as I wanted to believe. Enough for me to breakdown while he hugged me and listened to whatever I had to say.

He was the only person who's mere existence made me believe someday my pain would just stop.

To hear him almost admit defeat, accept that he may just have to live with the hate of our old friends and guilt of what he did... suddenly my own problems seemed so menial, but it also hurt knowing there was no way I could help him the way he always had me...

Sunny's remaining eye dropped to the ground and he let out a sigh.

No... Basil you're gonna help him... it won't be perfect, but you can help...

I hesitantly gripped his hand, looking over at him, "Sunny... I promise that I'll be there for you. You were always there for me, now it's my turn to be there for you." Sunny didn't look over at me, only smiled a sad smile, "Basil, you don't have to do that. I've put you through enough, you shouldn't have to worry about me too."

"Sunny I want to! I wanna be there! And I will this time!"

"Basil, you were there for me bef-"

"Just keeping the secret doesn't mean I was there for you... I should've tried to talk to you, tried to help, instead of being too afraid to face you."

Sunny didn't reply that time. I wasn't sure whether that confirmed he felt the same, whether he found the argument pointless, or whether he knew I'd never agree with him.

He gripped my hand a little tighter and we both just stayed silent.

"We don't hate either of you." A voice suddenly said and we both practically jumped off the balcony in shock.

The voice came from Kel, who was standing there at the entrance with Hero.

"H-How long have you been there..?" I asked. "Longer than your would think." Kel replied, walking over.

Sunny's hand was shaking in mine and he slid back ever so slightly as Kel approached. I tightened my grip and glanced back at my friend, hoping for a reassuring look. I guess it worked because he seemed to relax.

"Um... s-so... uh-" I started to stammer, before Hero cut me off, "Basil, Sunny... I want the full story... everything that happened on that day... and over those four years... it might take me a while to forgive you guys, assuming I ever can, but I won't just let you move away, Sunny, without knowing what happened..."

Sunny glanced at me and shyly replied, "Actually, um... I'm not moving for a week or so..."

Hero's eyebrows raised slightly, "Really?"

"I'm staying a bit... I wanted to try and fix things as best I could..." Sunny mumbled, "I'd say the fact that you're bothering to ask for the story... is a good sign...?"

Hero smiled a little, "I suppose."

Sunny glanced behind him, then back at Hero and Kel. His hand slipped from mine as he began to walk back towards the hospital.

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