8- Too Much to Ask

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TW: Heavy mentions of death and suicide.

Basil's P.O.V

I already knew what was coming next...

We were finally gonna be done running from the truth... we didn't have to stay quiet anymore...

I was scared, yes, who knows how our friends are gonna react? I didn't know if this would ruin our rekindled friendships or not, how they'd handle it, but I knew we couldn't keep lying anymore. If we did it would only hurt us all more...

Aubrey, Hero and Kel all looked curious and a little nervous at Sunny's words. "Um..." Sunny mumbled, glancing back behind us, then back at our friends, "Mind if we go back inside...? Before people start wondering where we are...?"

Everyone nodded and we all stood up, walking back inside the hospital. Sunny kept his arm around me, which I was silently grateful for.

We walked back to Sunny's room and the two of us sat down on the bed while the others sat down on the three chairs lined against the wall of the room.

I subconsciously grabbed Sunny's hand as I got more and more nervous. "So what's wrong?" Hero asked.

The scariest thing at that moment was realizing that this was truly going to change everything. Four years spent saying nothing. Of course it all had changed significantly when Mari died but now... now everyone had to face what really happened to her...

Nothing will ever be the same again...

"The day Mari died... you all were told it was suicide..." Sunny started, not meeting anyone's gaze. The others nodded, their eyes full of sadness.

"Well... it... I lied to you all... Mari's death... was my fault..." Sunny's voice lowered and it shook slightly. Our friends didn't seem to get what he meant.

"No, Sunny, it's not your fault, it was all our faults." Hero said, placing a hand on Sunny's shoulder. Sunny shook his head, "No, it was actually my fault... Mari didn't kill herself..."

The others stepped back, their moods evidently shifting. That slow creeping anxiety I felt often, every time Something appeared in my vision. That feeling that something bad was about to happen and there was no way to stop it.

I closed my eyes and took a breath.

It's gonna be ok...

"On the day Mari died... when we were practicing... I... was stressed and broke my violin at the bottom of the stairs... Mari got mad, we started arguing and... sh-she pushed me... I was scared, I'd never seen Mari so mad... I pushed her back and..." Sunny trailed off and I felt him squeeze my hand, which up until now I hadn't even noticed I was squeezing his. 

Our friends were dead silent. They knew what Sunny meant. 

"But... what about... the rope and the tree...?" Kel asked after a moment. I started to say something, but Sunny beat me to it, "I framed it as suicide in fear of what you all would say..."

"I"...? Doesn't he mean "we"...?

Aubrey turned her gaze to me, "So what does Basil have to do with it...?" Again, I tried to answer and again Sunny was faster, "He was over at our house that day and just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time... I forced him to go alone with it... the framed suicide..."

My heart almost stopped. It had been my idea to hang Mari's corpse. I suggested that. It was my fault... why was Sunny lying to them?

"Why... would you do this...?" Aubrey asked, "Lie to us about that...? You took Mari away from us and lied about it!? And then you dragged Basil into it!? What kind of friend does that!?"

"Aubrey-" Kel tried cutting her off but she just kept yelling, "Mari was my best friend! Losing her was so hard, and all you were worried about was keeping what you'd done a secret!? You-"

She only stopped when Sunny started crying. Not silent crying, actually crying. I let go of Sunny's hand and wrapped my arms around him. Sunny buried his face into my shoulder. I could feel my face heating up, but I didn't care at that moment. 

I glared at Aubrey, "He's not selfish... tell me you wouldn't have done the same thing... I know for a fact you wouldn't have told the truth... he went through enough without you making it worse..."

"Why are you on his side...?" Aubrey asked, clenching her fists. "Give it a rest Aubrey..." Hero said, speaking up for the first time yet. That nervous feeling came back. Hero had the most reason to hate us...

But... they don't even know it was me...

I only knew that there was some unknown reason Sunny didn't say what I'd done. I would tell them if they hurt Sunny though, without a doubt.

"I don't know how to feel about all this..." Hero muttered, "It's a lot to take in and hard to believe but... I think we all need some time to think..."

I could hear the anger and resentment in Hero's voice, despite his calm composure. Sunny looked over at them, still leaning against me. He nodded a little, "I-I understand..."

"Let's go..." Hero said, turning away and walking out of the room. Aubrey gave us an almost furious look and stormed off after Hero. Kel slowly backed towards the exit, his face filled with confliction before finally turning and leaving.

I turned to Sunny, "Why didn't you tell them what I did...?" Sunny wiped his eyes, "I couldn't let them hurt you again... you kept my secret all this time, endured horrible mistreatment and almost took your own life because of it... I owe you a lot, Basil, and I'm not gonna let them hurt you... I promised I'd be there for you then, and I failed... so let me make it up to you now..."

"But... what about you...?" I asked. "I don't matter as much... I'm moving, remember?" Sunny reminded me. My heart dropped. I'd almost entirely forgotten about Sunny's move. I hated to admit it, but I wasn't ready for it... I didn't wanna be alone again, especially since there was no telling how my friends would react to his existence, just knowing that he was there that day. I wanted to stay with Sunny. I wanted us to actually go through this together this time as we tried to readjust to the world. I wanted to be with someone who would understand me if I started screaming randomly again, if Something was still a problem, in all of those anxiety-filled nights where I got no sleep.

I just want Sunny... why is that always too much for me to ask...?

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