7- I Have Something to Tell You

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Hero's P.O.V

We all hugged each other, sobbing, for a solid three minutes while Polly stood back and smiled, watching us.

Eventually everyone relaxed and we all pulled away.

"H-Have you guys seen Sunny...?" Basil asked, sniffling. Aubrey shook her head, "No, we came here first."

Basil looked down and gripped the his blanket. "Can... can we go see him...?" He asked. All four of us exchanged a look. "Basil... you should be resting... you guys can see each other when you're better."

"I-I'm fine!" Basil insisted, pushing himself out of his bed and forcing himself to stand, "See! I'm... n-never mind..." He pressed a hand against the side of his head, groaning and collapsing back onto his bed, "Not fine..."

First time in years I'd ever heard Basil admit to not being ok.


It was weird...

"See? You need rest." I said. Basil shook his head, "No... one of you just support me, I'm not gonna wait until I can stand on my own..."


"Please..! I need to know Sunny's ok..." He persisted, giving me an almost desperate look.

"..." I glanced back at Polly to see what she'd say. She gave a small nod.

"Alright.." I finally agreed. Aubrey walked over and wrapped one arm around the smaller boy, who in turn wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

The two awkwardly stood up, Basil dropping most of his weight on Aubrey's shoulders. "You good?" Aubrey asked. Basil nodded, "Mhm.. now let's go.."

"Polly, you coming?" Kel asked. Polly shook her head, "I think I should stay here."

None of us questioned why, simply nodding and walking out. Or really, walking out very slowly.

After a minute or two, we'd made it to the room number that the doctor had told us belonged to Sunny.

Basil looked nervous. Quite frankly, I would've been too if I were him.

"Hey." I said gently, placing a hand on Basil's shoulder, "It's gonna be alright." He looked up at me and nodded a little.

Kel opened the door and we all stepped inside.

Only to find...

Sunny wasn't there...

"What the...?" Aubrey muttered under her breath. "Do we have the right room?" Kel asked. I glanced back at the number and nodded, "Yeah this is the place..."

"You think they took him somewhere else?" Kel asked. "I don't think they would've had time to move him in the few minutes that they told us where he was and that we were with Basil." Aubrey replied. "Well you don't know!" Kel shot back.


"Guys!" I yelled, getting their attention, "Now isn't the time for this..." They both simply nodded. Hah. Just like when we were kids.

Basil unwrapped his arm from around Aubrey's shoulders, trying to step forward. Aubrey tightened her grip around him and pulled him back a little, "Whoa, Basil, hang on n-"

"A-Aubrey... please let me go..." He muttered, looking back at her. "Basil, you can't walk alone..." She pressed. "I'll be fine, trust me..." Basil persisted. I guess we all felt bad for him because we let him get his way.

Aubrey slowly let go as Basil tried to find his own footing and shakily stepped forward. He walked around the room for a moment before letting his gaze settle on the window and gasping out of nowhere.

He turned back to us, eyes wide and slowly walked back to us and peeked out the entryway.

"Oh no..." He muttered. "What's wrong?" Kel asked, also peering out the entryway. Basil never answer, just sprinted off, surprisingly steady given a few seconds before.

Fear motivated?

None of us wasted time in sprinting off after him.

After what felt like only a second we were all out on the hospital balcony, where Sunny stood at the very edge, staring down. He held on tight to the railing, however was standing in the one spot where the railing must've been damaged because it was no longer there.

"Sunny!" Basil yelled. Sunny spun to face us. Only now did it occur to me that we may have just saved Sunny's life. Assuming he didn't decide to let go...

"Don't. Move." Basil said, almost forcefully, slowly stepping forward. Despite this, Sunny slid back slightly. Basil immediately stopped moving, "Please Sunny... don't do this... I... can't lose you too... not again..."

Sunny looked down, "Basil... I don't want to hurt you... I don't want to hurt anyone anymore... I have two choices, this one would make it better for everyone..."

"I-I thought that too... if you hadn't walked in last night then I wouldn't be here right now..." Basil said softly, "I didn't want to be here anymore... everything around me just kept falling apart... I was giving up on anything ever being ok again... then you came in... I thought, for the first time in years, 'Wow, he cares enough to make sure I'm doing alright, to be there for me', until I remembered you were moving away and leaving me again, and then there was that... thing, and what you said to me, and now look where we are! The freaking hospital! If anyone's hurting people, it's me! I've hurt everyone!" By the end of that he was in tears and all of us were shocked.

"Why...? Why did it have to be us...?" Basil asked, his voice breaking. Sunny stood still for a few moment, processing, as Basil slowly sank to the ground. Aubrey, Kel and I just stood there with our mouths wide open. Sunny slowly stepped away from the edge of the balcony and walked over to Basil, slowly sinking down beside his friend and hesitantly wrapping his arms around him. Basil shifted closer and buried his face in Sunny's shoulder.

"None of it was your fault... everything that happened... I caused it... whatever you're feeling, it's my fault..." Sunny muttered, silent tears sliding down his face, "I'm not gonna let what happened tear everyone apart anymore..."

He turned his gaze to us, still holding Basil.

"I have something to tell you... all of you..."

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