9- Telling the Truth is Hard

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TW: More mentions of death/suicide.

Sunny's P.O.V

Basil didn't speak for at least two hours after discussing my move. He just leaned against me, closed his eyes and drifted off into sleep. He looked exhausted, and I didn't mind it, so I just stayed still and let him sleep.

I thought back to our fight. How exhausted he looked as he desperately drove his shears down towards me. I shuddered as I thought about it and began to realize just how much my body stung. Everything felt sore and weak.

Part of that was more than likely due to four years of at most, standing up to go to the bathroom before collapsing back into my bed.

The very first day back out of my house, just walking to up to the park tired me out. Everything within Faraway Town was pretty much within walking distance and when we were all younger, we'd wander around town all day without stopping or tiring.

Heh, I probably looked pathetic, even when I still had my knife.

I kinda missed that knife. It made me feel a little more comfortable in a world that didn't. Maybe that sounded weird, or psychopathic, but that knife reminded me of White Space, a place that actually did make me feel comfortable in those four years I'd been too afraid to exit my house. Somewhere were I had a general idea of what was going to happen. I called the shots. I controlled the world around me. In the real world, it wasn't as easy to do that.

Although if I had the knife, things may have ended up much worse for Basil... he was still lying against me, his whole body already cut and bruised up from the days before as well as the fight. It may have been a lot worse for Basil if I had the knife.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, tearing me from my thoughts. I jumped and looked over at the door. I didn't feel like answering, and I really didn't wanna see who was at the door. But after about ten seconds of me not responding, the door opened, revealing my mother, who's face was filled with worry.

Only now did I think about my poor mother. She'd lost her daughter, her son went into this horribly depressed state and then she got a call telling her that her only remaining child had been hospitalized. Now here she stood staring at me, battered and missing an eye.

"Oh Sunny!" She exclaimed, running over and hugging me tightly. To my shock, Basil hardly stirred at this, just readjusted so that his head was really more resting in my lap than on my shoulder. After a really long hug, mom let go of me.

"Aubrey called and told me you and Basil were here..." She turned her gaze to Basil and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, "What happened..."

I lied for him once... I'll lie for him again... he won't even know this time...

"It's my fault... everything is my fault... Mari's death is where it started... I... killed Mari... it wasn't a suicide... I just framed it like it was... B-Basil was there and I just forced him to go along with it... this, the reason him and I are here, I started the fight and Basil was just defending himself... please don't be mad at Basil..." I gushed, not even really thinking about if what I was saying made any sense and really just saying it.

My mom looked shocked. Maybe a little disgusted. "I... knew about Mari..."

"Y... You did...?" I asked in shock. "Her body has some unexplainable wounds on it for a suicide and there were some dents in the stairs... not to mention your broken violin... I knew what happened I just... never told because I couldn't afford to lose you, Sunny... and I knew you felt bad... but about Basil... why...?"

"I..." I just trailed off. I didn't even know what to say. What was I supposed to say?

"You force him to go along with that, leave him alone for four years, and then do this to him...?" Mom asked, in the voice parents used to lecture you when you did something kinda stupid, only now it felt weird, given what she was talking about.

I looked down, "Mom... I-I'm sorry... I really never meant to hurt anyone..."

Mom sighed, the anger seeming to leave her spirit and giving way to exhaustion, "I know Sunny... and I know how bad you must feel... it's just gonna take some time to think through..." She glanced over her shoulder, "They're gonna keep you a few more nights and then you'll be discharged. I'm gonna head to our house after this and start moving stuff to our new one."

"Mom... is there anyway we can postpone the move...? Or move somewhere closer to Faraway...? There's too much I need to make up for here, leaving just wouldn't be right..." I said. Mom gave me a look, "Sunny, everything is said and done... we are go-"

"Mom, please... this is too important for me to just move away and start a new life, leaving everyone else to deal with the truth alone..." I insisted. Mom thought for a moment before sighing, "Ok... look... if Polly and Basil are alright with it... you can stay with them for a bit while I try to figure something out... a week at most Sunny, I don't want to burden Polly..."

Am I just a burden now...?

"Th-Thank you..." I stammered anyway. Mom nodded and turned away, "I love you Sunny, and I'll visit you tomorrow."

"Love you too mom..."

All that said, she left. I flopped down against my bed. That, somehow, woke Basil up. He shifted and pushed himself up, wiping the sleep from his eyes and wincing as he rubbed his bruised eye, "Sunny...?"

"Hey Bas..." I said, smiling sadly. Basil blinked, "Is... something wrong...?" My smile quickly faded and I sighed, staring up at the ceiling. Basil shifted closer to me, "Sunny you can tell me what's wrong. Like we did when we were kids. I'll still listen like I did then. I just want to help, and actually help this time."

"Mom came by..." I muttered, "I told her what happened... all of it..."

Not all of it, but for your sake, you don't have to know I lied again...

"She's still moving all our stuff out of the house but... as long as you and Polly are alright with it, I'll be staying with you guys for a week while mom tries to figure something out so I can right my wrongs here..." I turned to look at my friend, sitting up to make more direct eye contact, "Basil... I just wanna start over... it's so hard to keep living, knowing I killed my sister, that I'll have to deal with that guilt forever... and probably the hate of our friends, and maybe even a little bit from my mom for the rest of my life..."

"Please don't say that... it scares me..." Basil mumbled, "It's selfish of me to want you with me forever, and I know that one day we probably will drift apart, becoming mere strangers to one another, but... I-I really missed you Sunny... it scares me, the thought of losing you so soon after I got you back... I want to be here this time, to hold your hand and help you though this mess... it's gonna be hard, believe me I know it is... but we don't have to go it alone this time... please Sunny... just hang in there for all of us... for me... because I don't think I'll survive if I lose another thing..."

The two of us stared into each others eyes for a moment before exchanging a silent agreement to stay with each other. To keep on fighting no matter how hard it got. The two of us laid back down, wrapping our arms around each other and slowly letting sleep envelop us.

Sleep that, I hoped, would truly be restful.

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