5- For Once Everything Is Ok

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Kel's P.O.V

I don't know how much time had passed since we got here, but it had been a fair amount of hours that felt like minutes. Long story short, we got here, they told us we couldn't follow our friends, and whatever you may have been expecting us to do, didn't happen, unless you were expecting us to actually comply. I mean, what're we gonna do, fight the doctors who are trying to help our friends? No. Why on Earth would we do that.

We've been sitting in silence for the most part. No one had really spoken about the photos since we connected the dots and we definitely weren't gonna do it in front of the other people in this waiting room.

I mean... there weren't that many people in the waiting room... but oh well.

"Should we uh... maybe call our parents and let them know we're currently at the hospital...?" Hero asked, breaking the silence. "Oh, uh, yeah, heh, probably a good idea." I replied. "My mom won't really care, but I can call Sunny's mom and let her know what's going on..." Aubrey said. "Isn't Sunny's mom out of town right now?" Hero asked. Aubrey nodded, "Yeah, but she's coming back today, she should probably know her kid is in the hospital..."

"Alright, then you call her, I'll call our mom Kel." Hero said. Aubrey and I nodded.

Both Aubrey and Hero walked off to go make their calls, leaving me and Polly alone. I don't think either of us really knew what to say to each other, but I also don't think either of us felt the need to say anything to each other.

I mean, were we supposed to say something? I don't think so. And if we are supposed to, then social protocol severely confuses me.

But this gave me time to reflect on the past three days. Or really the past four years...

I know a lot had changed with my friends and all, but these past few days were the only days of the past four years that I truly felt something close to happiness. Maybe because I finally got to see Sunny again, maybe because Hero was finally home from college, maybe because for the first time in years, Basil spoke actual words to me instead of just nervously avoiding me every time we crossed paths, heck, maybe because even if most of it was bad, Aubrey interacted with us. Or maybe because I could tell things were finally gonna get better with everyone.

Or... so I thought...

Sunny's P.O.V

I stood up, violin in hand and watched as white space came back into view. Yep, there I was again, standing in front of myself.

Guess this was long awaited...

Omori looked kinda shocked to see me standing there completely fine, and now with a musical instrument.

You know what you have to do...

It had been a long time since I'd played violin... I wasn't even sure if I remembered how to play it... but I was doing this for Mari... I couldn't fail her again.

The song Mari used to practice on its own for hours... she loved that song...

I closed my eyes and tried to think back to when Mari and I used to play together.

It was a surprisingly nice memory given that the recital at which we would've played this is what got Mari killed...

I waited for just a few more seconds before playing. I was shocked that I still knew the song, last time I'd played was in front of our friends the night before the recital day. I know this was a dream, but it felt like I was finally making it up to Mari. Making up for what I failed to do four years ago. If I'd just stuck it out...  just for one more day... maybe Mari would still be here...

No... Sunny, stop. Mari wants you to forgive yourself... you have to learn to do that.

I played the whole song, beginning to end, the image of how the recital should've gone sitting there in my head.

For a moment it was a nice mental picture until I opened my eyes, face to face with myself and the fact of the matter...

When I woke up, I was going to have to tell everyone what really happened to Mari and face whatever consequences there would be...

Omori's gaze was as blank as ever. I slowly lowered my hands, still holding my violin and as I did, Omori slowly let the knife drop to the ground.

"So... you know what must me done...?" He asked softly. I nodded, "I... yeah.. I know..."

"Are you ready for that...?" Omori pressed, stepping closer and closer to me until he was only a few inches away. I wanted so badly to say yes. To say I was ready to face the consequences, and face my friends, but no matter how many more minutes I had to prepare, for that matter, if I had days to prepare, I'd never be ready.

I shook my head, "No..."

Omori remained silent for a second before extending his arms out to me, "It's going to be ok... for once in your life, everything is really going to be ok... no matter what happens, the burden will no longer be what's killing you..."

I hesitantly stepped a little closer to my other self and hugged him. He did the same. Ok, yes, we just tried to kill each other, but Basil kinda did the same in the real world. Both just wanted to protect me in their own really weird ways.

"Well... what about you...?" I asked. Omori let go of me, "I don't know... but you don't really need me anymore, do you? As long as you're ok, then everything for me is gonna be ok."

For the first time in the four years that Omori had existed, he smiled just a little, "They'll forgive you, just like Mari. Now go tell them."

"Omori, wait!" I yelled, as he started to turn away. He looked over his shoulder at me. "... thank you..."

"... you're welcome Sunny."

With that the world around me seemed to flash and next thing I knew I was awake.

A/N: And there you have it, part two of violin boy beats up his dream self with his violin hands-

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