Shopping for rings with Cassie

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Wednesday, December 8th, 2021 at 11:45a

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Wednesday, December 8th, 2021 at 11:45a.m., Cassie was sleeping in her bed with the covers covering up her whole entire body and Damian orbed beside her. He sat down at the foot of her bed, and then, laid down looking up at the ceiling. He started singing a Spanish lullaby and Cassie opened her eyes slowly. She yawned and stretched before sitting up and she looked at Damian.

Cassie (sleepily): Are you really singin' a Spanish lullaby to wake me up?

He stopped singing and looked over at her.

Damian: Did it work?

Cassie: I'm up, aren't I? Thank God I'm not naked.

Damian: I'm sorry about last night, forgive me?

He gave her the sad puppy dog look and she held out her arms to him for a hug.

Cassie: Yeah, I guess so. 

They hugged each other and he kissed both of her cheeks.

Cassie: Okay, you've got somethin' up your sleeve, what is it?

Fire: I need your help findin' an engagement ring, and weddin' ring for Fire.

Cassie: Let me put some clothes on.

He helped her out of the bed and to the bathroom. Thirty minutes later, they were shopping at Kay's and Cassie let out a yawn. Damian gave her a cup of her favorite cappuccino and she took it from him.

Cassie: Thanks.

Damian: You're welcome. Cassie, Carolina isn't gonna be apart of our family. That ship has sailed between me and her.

Cassie: Are you sure about that, cause, I see different, otherwise. I see you and Carolina fuckin' each other on the bed that you and Fire sleep in, and then, Fire sees you in that predicament. She leaves you and cuts ties with us supernatural beings again while she's pregnant with your children.

Damian: That's not gonna happen, Cassandra.

Cassie: Mmm, let's hope not. I want Fire to be with you forever and ever.

Damian: I have a confession to make and you need to keep it between us.

Cassie: Well, what is it?

Damian: When we were in South Africa, I slept with Carolina that one time, and that's another reason why I wanted Fire to have sex with both me and Punishment. I'm sorry, Cassie, but I can't tell Fire this.

Cassie wiped a tear from her face and looked at the sorrowful look on Damian's face.

Cassie: Oh, you can tell Fire. You just don't want to, cause, you know that it'll break her. After everything Carolina has done to you, you still end up fuckin' her, and yet, here you are wantin' to have another woman who is way different from her. A woman who loves you for you and who didn't wanna be a werewolf let alone mixed with every supernatural being in this world. You have to tell Fire and soon. You shouldn't even be buyin' engagement rings, right now, let alone plan a weddin'. What you need to focus on is how you're gonna keep Fire after the mess you made. I meant what I said last night. I'm done cleanin' up your messes, Damian.

Damian: Cassie, I know what I did was wrong--.

Cassie: Get rid of Carolina once and for all. She is toxic, Damian, not just for us, but for you, too. She is still the same woman that broke your heart and tore this family apart. She is the reason why you and Randy are at odds against each other.

Damian: Okay, I will.

He picked out an engagement ring and they left.

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