Damian has a heart-to-heart with Fire

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It was 11:45p.m. and Fire was sleeping. Damian was standing outside on the balcony naked drinking a glass of whiskey on the rocks. He looked out at the night sky and Fire had a premonition of what was going to happen to her and the babies. Fire was sweating and Damian got inside of her head. He saw a glimpse of Fire's vision before she kicked him out of it. He ran to her side and she sat up quick-like. She fell into his arms and panted heavily.

He held onto her and caressed her head and back gently. 

Damian: Breathe, Fire, breathe.

They looked at each other and he dabbed the cool, damp rag all over her sweaty face and neck.

Fire (sleepily): I'm sorry if I interrupted your nightly tan.

He smiled at her.

Damian: You didn't interrupt anything, babe, but you did kick me out of your head while you had that nasty vision.

Fire: It was awful, Damian. You were fightin' her while I was on the other side of the world givin' birth to our babies, and then, I died after Annalisse came out. Punishment and Esteban was there to witness me givin' birth. It was the look on your face when you saw my lifeless body. You were so upset and angry that everything was on fire. Punishment and Esteban had to calm you down before you blew up the earth.

Damian: Shhh, okay, that's enough talkin' about it, babe. You're not gonna die. You're gonna live and I'm gonna see the birth of Annalisse and Ivelisse under the Northern Lights. It's gonna be so romantic, and yet, a little bit gory.

Both of them laughed softly and he grabbed a bottle of Fiji water from their mini fridge beside their bed. He opened it and gave it to her. She took it from him and drank it all without stopping.

Damian: Do you need anymore?

Fire: No, I should be fine.

Damian: Fire, if you think that you need more liquids inside of you, then, just say it, baby.

Fire: Okay, can you get me another bottle of water, please?

Damian: That's more like it.

He got her another bottle of Fiji water and gave it to her. She took it from and emptied the bottle into her stomach. She threw it in the trashcan and laid her head down on her pillows. He laid down right beside her and put her head on his chest.

Fire: I feel much better, now. You don't have to go back to sleep with me if you don't want to.

Damian: I know, but I really want to, cause, we really haven't had any heart-to-heart talks, ever since, you got back here besides me keepin' you as a mermaid in the Jacuzzi.

Fire: Yeah, you were talkin' about our broken relationship. I love you, Damian, and I'll always love you, even though, you hurt me, but I also love Punishment, as well.

Damian: I understand why. Fire, I'm glad that you're givin' me a second chance, even though, I don't deserve it after everything that has happened.

Fire: Damian, please, let's not talk about this.

Damian: Yes, let's talk about this. Out of all of the women that I've dated, you're the only one who truly loved me, and only wanted me for me. From the moment, I turned 18-years-old, that was what I was lookin' for in a woman, and I found it in my best friend that I knew for a very long time, but I hurt you, and I'm terribly sorry, baby.

Fire: I forgive you.

They looked at each other and he wiped the tears from her cheeks. 

Damian: Thank you, baby.

He started kissing her, until, they fell asleep.

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