Personal stylist

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Next morning.
I am feeling a little low. that’s why I am sitting on the couch (something like it but without cushions) near kitchen.
Vidhi is standing in kitchen and Karan is also there. He is making chai. Banda kya chai banata hai, waah.
He comes towards me with a cup and a smile.
“bed tea,huh?” I say and take the cup.
He winks and goes back to kitchen.
Vidhi indicates towards herself and asks “will I also get?”
Karan doesn’t make a motion to move he says “take it, chai is here only, not in main house”
He leaves and goes to main house. Maybe to steal something.
I drink the tea and then go and make anda bhuzi for everyone with vidhi.
She says” He’s a little different with you”.
“nhi re, he’s just being nice” I say.
Inside I have butterflies in my stomach.
After breakfast I go to bahroom and wear purple jumpsuit of Donal(she offered as she was trying to act nice after wkv).
Today there will be nominations so I continue the joke I started that bigboss was my baby and say “ today I will look absolutely stunning and my baby will only see me.”
Karan and jay, both are in the washroom. They laugh at my antics.
Jay stands and goes in bathroom to shower.
Karan turns and says,” Waise, you’re right , Today your baby will only see you “.
With a wink he walks away.
I blush foolishly. Calm down Teja he was just saying about big boss and not  himself.
Today junglewaasis will be paired and then they will be called. The pair have to nominate one person.
I am paired with Karan. We look at each and it’s like there is a magic in the moment. Like he knows whom I want to nominate and he agrees.
He say’s” I have no problem with your choice”
I say okay then you announce. I want to see if he is guessing correctly.
“ Big boss we want to nominate Donal, she’s trying but we don’t want to nominate anyone else so, Donal it is.” Karan says.
I grin. He gets it.
As we go back donal eyes me .
I want to try and understand her but she just doesn’t contribute. The clothes that she gave me today were only exception.
I am in bathroom fixing my hair when Donal comes and says “ I need the clothes”
“Donal chill, I will give them back. Abhi I don’t have anything else to wear.” I say.
“You didn’t care when you nominated me, toh, right now I also don’t care.” She says and goes from there.
I go out and search for Vidhi. She is Sittting with meisha and laughing.
“Vidhi, come here” I shout.
She makes a face. Then comes to me”bol?”
“what was the code of your bag, I have to take clothes” I say.
“inko kya hua?(what happened to these)” she asks.
“nothing, Donal wants them back”
She looks at me and then says “she’s just being mean, keep these clothes on only,I  forgot the code,yaad aate hi,I will open it and give you clothes.”
After saying this she just goes away. She is always nice when Karan is near later this.
I go to bathroom area.
“I have clothes okay,but I sacrificed so they could have there clothes and now I am the one suffering.”
I look at the my suitcase which has a yoga pant and white shorts.
I decide to wear the shorts and bra which I have on now.
I go to bathroom and change.
“Every girl is getting ready wearing nice things and only I will be the one roaming around like this.”
I come out and keep Donal’s dress on her suitcase.
“ahhh” I scream as I collide into someone.
Karan hold me by waist.     
He leaves me abruptly and then says”what happened ,kapdo ki kami aa gyi, kya?”
I just shrug, self consciously and say ”kind of”.
I start to go out when he grabs my hand and says” stop”
He looks at me and then shakes his head.
“ Guys will go mad if you go like this. Wait.”
He says and then searche in his suitcase and brings a tie die cute hoodie.
“ Wear this. It will look cool on you. It’s a size down for me so it won’t be too loose on you .”
I just keep on staring at him.
In this house, everyone will listen to your problem but only few are there who would help you in overcoming it.
“kya hua, lele” he says smiling as if he is in on some joke which I don’t know about.
I take the hoodie and turn towards the bathroom.
At last moment I turn and jump to hug him lightly and then run towards bathroom. As I  close the door I see that he is blushing.
Yayy, point 1.
When I come out he isn’t there. Nishant comes and looks at me and says”you’re cool babes”
I high five with him.
“Haina? Karan ki hoodie h”
“oh, Personal stylist huh? Naaiiice(Nishu style)”

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