Jealous Munda

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We were all out when bb announced that simba is killed.
We all had no idea that how they were killing us but we knew just this much that we had to keep them alag alag and to not let them reach the bathroom.
Jay , Afshana and Vidhi were inside blocking nishant and shamita and we all were out not letting Pratik in.
He was constantly trying to go in. So I went and hugged him, he will not use force on a girl so he won’t be able to go in.
“Tejasswi don’t do this, you will only get hurt.” He said while trying to push me away.
“Hurt me then” I said.
I noticed that Karan was standing near the tree and he was staring intently. His eyes were narrowed to my hands which were wrapped around Pratik who was still pushing and all. His jaw was tight and glared at me.
What did I do? I was helping the team only.
“Teja leave him, lag jayegi”he uttered.
“ Karan trust me , he will not be able to do anything.” As I said this Pratik started tickling me and I started laughing.
“galtfehami hai tumhari,” Pratik said. He twisted and ran.
I checked back to look and saw that Karan wasn’t there.
Vishal doing his acting and all in front of camera so I asked him” Karan kahan gya?”
“ Patan ahi” he said “ Leave karann oday I am you pati Parmeshwar , come here “ he dramatically pulled me towards him.
“ don’t joke, yaar, tell na” I said.
“ who raha ghar me se dekh raha h idhar hi” he pointed with his fingers.
Karan was there but he was still glaring at me.
“ did you guys fight ?” Vishal asked.
“no” I said and pushed him away lightly.” I will come in two minutes.”
I was moving in Karan’s direction. When he saw me coming he turned and went to bathroom area. I followed him.
Donal was there as game was paused. She was touching up her makeup.
“ Umm Donal can you just do my hair again, I don’t like how it was done pehle.”
Why is he being mean , I did his hair earlier and he said that he loved it.
“ ok, come here” Donal says.
She is reaching up on her toes as he is a little tall. Karan starts taking one step closer to her so she could reach easily. I pull him back by holding his hand.
“ mai kar deti hu.” I say.
“ no Teja you go and try to stop Pratik”
“ umm guys , karan should I do your hair or not?” Donal ask again.
Why is she still standing here.
“ Not”
“ Yes”
We say at the same time.
She blinks and looks at both of us.
“I don’t want to be part of this.” She says and leave.
Karan is facing the other side.
He starts to leave. I stop him by holding his hand.” Where are you going?”
“To ask vidhi to do my hair” he says yet not looking at me.
“ mat kar, your hair is fine, why are being like this? What did I do?”
“you did nothing Teja, just leave me.”  He pulls his hand and starts walking away. I don’t thing and just hold him in a hug from back.
“ bata toh what happened?”
“ nothing just you hugging everyone happened. I was saying that you will get injured but no you don’t listen only.” He says and tries to pull away” I don’t want this just leave me.”

“I was just blocking him aur who nhi hurt karta ladkiyon ko.” I try to reason with him yet not understanding the source of his problem.
“Aur what about vishal, usko bhi blocking?”
“ Arre he was doing masti and pulled me”
“ aur tu chali bhi gayi?” he mumbled.
“ what ?” I ask as I am not sure what I heard was right.
“ kuch nahi” he says.
I leave him and go and stand in front of him
“ then why are you behaving like this?” I ask.
He is a little normal nowand is staring at me ,
“ why did you not let donal do my hair?” he asks while curiously looking me in eyes.
I flush and look away.
“ um a-aise hi.”
“ sure?” he asks
“ yeah”
He gives me a look as if he doesn’t believe it and then says “ toh I am also behaving like this aise hi”
He says holds me by waist and turns us both overby 180 degree and then leaves from there.
I wasn’t able to stomach the closeness of his with her that’s why I did that but did he also meant that or I am mis-understanding this.
I get frustrated and leave to search for Karan to clarify.
What will I even say , it’s not like I am going to say on camera that I am jealous. So I let it go.

Meanwhile simba comes out of a bathroom stall and says “ I didn’t know jealousy is now a days called aise hi.”

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