birthday siyapa

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Why did I even try it. Its’s not as if he cares that I have been making kheer here for last 30mins.I am such a fool. Why would a boy like him would notice a girl like me in that way. He must think that I am cute clown type person who is just good to laugh with.
I take the kheer and keep it in fridge.
Nishant is going out, he says”Teja come,let’s go out”
I really want to go but I decline
“no, yaar,I have to make dinner.we’ll chill later “
“ok,your choice” he says and goes out.
I like that about him that he lets people be .On the otherhand Vidhi  doesn’t understand when to give space.
Whole day she is looking for ways to have conversation with Karan. Even if he doesn’t reply she keeps on following him where ever he goes.
I didn’t go out because Karan is there and I am angry with him.Iasked when will he have kheer and he said “ arrey leave kheer, come have this cake, it’s yum.”
I go to bathroom to change.
I have shower .but oh I forgot to ask vidhi for clothes. Donal and Meisha will not share.i should have taken my clothes but they wouldn’t have fit vidhi.
I open the door slightly and see that only Karan is out there opening his suitcase.
“Karan ,can you call vidhi”
“She slept early today” he said “what happened?”
“Don’t do this, I hate when girls do this.just say what is the issue?”he was looking seriously at me and waiting.
“I don’t have clothes” I say.
He keeps looking at me.
“what happened ? is there soap on my face” I swipe fingers on my face.
“no, I just zoned out, wait” he searches for something and takes out a white shirt and black shorts. He comes near the door and offers the clothes to me.
I take them from him. His  fingers touch mine and he jerks his hand away and goes back to his luggage.
I close the door quickly from inside and blink back tears.
One moment he is helping me and taking care of me and next he can’t even bear my touch.
I wear the clothes and get out.
He is not here anymore.
I go out and make dinner .
I am not in mood to eat or talk so I just go and sit in the corner near swimming pool.
Very people come here at night as its chilly here.
I play with water and stare in it.
I have never weared clothes of a guy except my brother. I inhale his scent.
“ay, why are sitting here alone”Karan says.
He is standing ther with a plate.
“aise hi”
“yaar, acha , then tell me why you didn’t eat?”
“just not hungry”
“show this attitude somewhere else,”he  says and sits near me.
“chup chaap kha”
“I didn’t force you to eat kheer that time ,so don’t force me to eat.”
“oh, so that is the reason haan,that you are avoiding me.I brought the kheer for myself and sabzi roti for you, now will you eat?”
I still make no efforts to eat.
“I wanted to have it when we were alone. Not while everyone was present and I couldn’t even savour it”
I look at him and then start eating. He too sits and eat the kheer,
He tries to eat sabzi roti. I stop him.
“I am hungry. You bring your own ,you know how difficult it is to not eat food.”
“abhi toh you were fighting with me because I din’t eat the food that you made and now you can’t even share few bites”
I shake my head.
He laughs and then stands up
“Wait here,I will bring my plate,”
He starts walking and then stops and turns and says”By the way my clothes suits you better than vidhi’s,you can wear my clothes if you want.”
I blush and just eat.

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